
Fluorescence Upconversion with Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting Option

Newport’s Time-Resolved Fluorescence Spectrometer (TRFLS) offers versatile functionality for researchers gathering fluorescence kinetic traces. The standard fluorescence upconversion platform can be coupled with an ultrafast oscillator, amplifier, SHG/THG, OPA/OPO, while the optional time-correlated single photon counting setup can be added to systems pumped by fs oscillators. 

In fluorescent upconversion, the fluorescent sample is pumped by a femtosecond pulse and the fluorescence is upconverted using an optically gated pulse to generate sum frequency radiation. The upconverted light is then spectrally resolved via monochromator or spectrograph using a PMT. The software automatically controls the upconversion crystal’s phase matching angle and monochromator grating angle throughout the fluorescent wavelength range of interest. The software also controls the delay line and gathers time-resolved information which is displayed in a 3D color plot. Calibrated GVD and photometric corrections of spectra are also automated in the software. Compared to pump-probe spectroscopy techniques such as transient absorption, the data interpretation of fluorescence upconversion is straightforward as only emission is measured. Fluorescence upconversion offers fs-resolved dynamics information over a range of 3.3 ns in the UV-VIS and IR spectral ranges.

For researchers interested in studying time dynamics out to µs time range, time-correlated single photon counting can be added primarily as an option for systems being pumped by femto or picosecond oscillators. TCSPC covers the UV-VIS wavelength ranges with high resolution. The TCSPC method is highly sensitive, so this will work well even for weak signals.

Features and Benefits

* Time resolution is dependent upon width of gate pulse, thickness of upconversion crystal and fluorescent sample optical path length. Signal/noise increases with crystal thickness at a cost of time resolution.
** Spectral resolution is limited by gate pulse bandwidth and slit widths.
*** Dependent upon excitation and gate wavelengths; 800 nm gate assumed.
**** Other ranges possible, depending on PMT or single photon counting detector selected.

graphFluorescence upconversion dynamics of Coumarin 153 in MeOH. (Courtesy Newport Technology & Applications Center)graphComparison of Fluorescence Upconversion to TCSPC for C153 in MeOH. (Fluorescence upconversion captures early dynamics while TCSPC captures extended time scale dynamics.)