Quadrant-cell photoreceivers are ideal when you need to measure deviations in the position or pointing of your laser beam, such as that required in beam-stabilization systems.


Highly Sensitive Beam Position Measurement

Quadrant-cell photoreceivers consist of four individual yet identical photocells positioned very close to each other (100-µm gaps). To increase the sensitivity of these photoreceivers, each of the cells’ photocurrents is sent to its own individual amplifier before being processed with the other photocell signals to generate top-minus-bottom difference (vertical error) and right-minus-left difference (horizontal error) signals. A sum-of-all-quadrants signal is also provided for normalization purposes.

Silicon or InGaAs Sensors


Model 2901 offers silicon sensors which are responsive in the 190-1050 nm wavelength range. Model 2903 uses InGaAs sensors for 900-1700 nm responsivity.

Battery Operated or External DC Supply

The 2901 and 2903 quadrant-cell photo-receivers can run off batteries or your own DC power supply. To ensure low noise operation, we strongly recommend our Model 0901 power supply.



2901 2903
Sensor Size (mm) 3 x 3 Ø3
Wavelength Range (nm) 190-1050 900-1700
Conversion Gain, Maximum (V/W) 102 to 106 103 to 105
Responsivity (A/W) 0.5 1
Transimpedance Gain 2x102 to 2x106 V/A 2x102 to 2x106 V/A
Saturation Power CW 30 mW per channel 15 mW per channel
Output Analog Analog
Digital Output

Connector, Analog Output Male BNC Male BNC
Analog Output X, Y, SUM X, Y, SUM
Analog Output Impedance 100 Ω 100 Ω
Analog Output Voltage Range (V) +2,5 +2,5
Bandwidth (-3 dB) () 100 kHz 100 kHz
Power Requirements ±15 V or 9-V Battery ±15 V or 9-V Battery

