Newport offers a complete line of Helium-Neon (He-Ne or HeNe) Lasers, at the wavelengths of 543 nm (Helium-Neon (HeNe) Lasers - Green 543 nm), 594nm (Helium-Neon (HeNe) Laser - Yellow 594 nm), 633 nm (Helium-Neon (HeNe) Lasers - Red 633 nm), 1.15µm ( R-40136 ), 1.52 µm ( R-33141 ), and 3.39 µm ( R-33141 ), that combine both high performance and affordability. All Newport HeNe lasers are CE compliant except the Tunable. 

The Orthogonally Polarized Interferometric Series (OPIS) HeNe laser product family offers combined TEM00 mode output beams at 633nm. The output power of the combined beams is 3.0 mW (minimum). Each beam has 500:1 linear polarization and are Orthogonal to each other. The frequency difference between modes is between 2 - 20 MHz. This laser is ideal for Heterodyne Interferometry applications. Utilizing enhanced designs and superior optical components these lasers deliver unsurpassed operational stability and lifetimes.

Newport also offers a Helium-Neon frequency and intensity stabilized laser (Helium-Neon (HeNe) Laser - Frequency and Intensity Stabilized) and a five line tunable HeNe Laser system (Helium-Neon (HeNe) Lasers - Tunable).


Mounts (Sold separately)

Laser Mounts provide convenient mounting of cylindrical lasers to positioners, rods, and tables. Please see Cylindrical Laser Mounts.

OM-cyl_laser_mnts-SHene Laser Mounts ULM-TILT and ULMOM-rod_clamps_laser-SCylindrical Laser Mount assembly with Rod and Rod ClampDanger