These Research Housings hold quartz tungsten halogen lamps. We offer two sizes to cover the 10 to 1000 W lamp ranges. The housings include:

•Condensing optics to produce a collimated or focused beam (we also offer housings without condenser for those interested in integrating a custom optical train)
•New, asphere condensers for superior uniformity
•Rear reflector to collect the lamp\'s back radiation
•External lamp and reflector adjustments to fine position the filament
•Power regulated fan to cool the lamp and housing
•Cable to connect to appropriate Oriel® Power Supply
All you need is the lamp and socket adapter and, of course, the appropriate power supply.

Two Sizes of Housings

We offer two housing sizes to accommodate the wide range of lamp dimensions and powers: 10 to 250 W Housings and 600 to 1000 W Housings. Both housing types have the same features; they differ only in the overall dimensions, and the fan used. Within each housing type, we offer models with different condensers. Choose the condenser based on the wavelength range of interest, the beam output required, and the output power you need. See Table 1 for a comparison. We offer the Calculating Output Power note to help you calculate the total output power from your source.

Table 1 Comparison of Condensers

Housing Model Lamp Type Condenser Type Output Beam* Collimated Output Diameter Lens Multiplication Factor* Transmittance Range of Lens Material Size Series **
66881 QTH F/0.85, Pyrex asphere Collimated 1.3 0.13 350 - 2500 nm 1.5 inch
66882 QTH F/1.5, single element fused silica Collimated 1.3 0.06 240 - 2500 nm *** 1.5 inch
67009 QTH F/2.2, fused silica asphere Collimated 1.3 0.05 240 - 2500 nm *** 1.5 inch
67011 QTH F/1, fused silica asphere Collimated 1.3 0.11 240 - 2500 nm *** 1.5 inch
66886 QTH F/0.7, four element borosilicate crown aspherab Collimated 2.7 0.18 350 - 2500 nm 3 inch

Power Sources

Oriel offers different power sources to run QTH lamps; all work with these housings.

Table 2 Power Sources for QTH Lamps

For These Lamps Works with These Housings Power Supply Details
10 - 20 W 10 - 250 W 68938 10 and 20 W Quartz Tungsten Halogen Lamp Power Supply
10 - 100 W 10 - 250 W
45 - 250 W 10 - 250 W OPS-Q1000 600-1000 W QTH Lamp Power Supply, Power, Current, and Intensity Control Modes, RS-232/USB control, CE and RoHS compliant
600 - 1000 W 600 - 1000 W OPS-Q1000 600-1000 W QTH Lamp Power Supply, Power, Current, and Intensity Control Modes, RS-232/USB control, CE and RoHS compliant

For Complete Sources

You can purchase the individual components to build a quartz tungsten halogen system (lamp housing, power supply, lamp and mounting adapter), or you can purchase the complete system under a single model number. We offer fully featured 50 - 250 W Quartz Tungsten Halogen Research Sources, more economical Simplicity Series Quartz Tungsten Halogen Sources, and the fully integrated fixed power Apex Quartz Tungsten Halogen Sources.