Deuterium lamps are sources of high intensity ultraviolet radiation down to 160 nm (for some models). Visible and infrared emission is negligible. This makes deuterium lamps ideal sources for UV spectroscopy, and as UV spectral irradiance standards.


Three Lamp Choices


Choose a lamp first by the shortest wavelength you need. If you aren\'t working below 180 nm, choose an ozone free lamp. The high irradiance lamps have a very small, 0.5 mm, arc for producing both the highest irradiance and highest radiance, but they are also more expensive than the high uniformity lamps.

Series Q Lamp Housings


Deuterium lamps can be operated in a Series Q Lamp Housings. The housing has a condensing lens assembly that collects and collimates the lamp’s radiation. Output is a 1.3 inch (33 mm) diameter beam

Deuterium Lamp Construction


Deuterium lamps are arc lamps filled with deuterium, at low pressure. Deuterium lamps emit only from one side and in one direction, unlike arc lamps, which radiate in all directions. Collection is therefore easy and efficient. The window material determines the DUV output of the lamp. Ozone free models use UV Glass, which does not transmit below 180 nm.

Safety Considerations


Deuterium lamps emit high intensity ultraviolet radiation. Always use Ultraviolet Safety Equipment like protective eyewear, clothing, and gloves when working in the vicinity of these lamps.


Filament Voltage 10 V
Anode Voltage 60 - 90 V
Rated Current 300 mA