波兰 VIGO System 公司是生产红外探测器及配套偏置和前置放大电路的专业公司,该公司具有包括MOCVD和MBE的完整红外探测器生产线,从MCT和III-V族(InAs、InAsSb)材料晶体生成、半导体衬底片(Wafer)、探测器、偏置电路及前置放大器全部自主生产;探测器的波长响应范围包括短波、中波及长波,最远可到16微米;按制冷方式分产品又可分2、3、4级半导体制冷型和非制冷型两大类, 几十种型号。产品被大量应用到环保领域的有害气体探测及汽车尾气检测、激光参数测量、红外非接触测温等等。


1. PC光导系列


• Ambient temperature operation

• Perfect match to fast electronics

• Convenient to use

• Wide dynamic range

• Low cost

2.PC-nTE 光导半导体制冷系列


• High performance in the 2 to 14 μm spectral range

• Fast response

• Convenient to use

• Wide dynamic range

• Compact, rugged and reliable

• Low cost

3. PCI 光导带浸没系列


• Ambient temperature operation

• Perfect match to fast electronics

• Convenient to use

• Wide dynamic range

• Low cost

4. PCI-nTE 光导光浸没半导体制冷


• High performance in the 2 to 13 μm spectral range

• Fast response

• Convenient to use

• Wide dynamic range

• Compact, rugged and reliable

• Low cost