The Aegis QubeTM Beam Routing System provides a modular and versatile means for routing, shielding, and enclosing laser or similar light beams above an optical table. The system is composed of a hollow cube to hold and enclose optics mounts, a stout post holder and clamping fork combination for mounting the cube to an optical table, and a large selection of tubes in various lengths to route the optical beam into and out of the cube. A wide selection of adaptors are provided to allow many routing configurations. Cover plates are provided to enclose the open sides of the cube.

Optics Mounts

The Cubic Enclosure ( Q-OC-1 ) can house several types of optical mounts. A Q-SS100-R3HN or a Performa-i P100-Ai3 (see Set and Lock Industrial Mirror and Platform Mounts) series kinematic mirror mount will mount directly into the cube. Both of these mount types hold 1-in. diameter mirrors or beam splitters. With the Q-A50-E adaptor, any of the ULTIMA (see High-performance Mirror and Platform Mounts) or SUPREMA (see Precision Stainless Steel Mirror Mounts) 0.5-inch mirror mounts can be used in the cubic enclosure. For convenience, the series number of the campatible mirror mount is printed on the adaptor right next to the mounting hole.

1-inch beam splitting cubes or prisms can be mounted within the cube using the Q-IBC-1gimbal prism mount. This mount provides three axes of gimbled angular adjustment and can be purchased with UGP-KIT adaptors for mounting 0.5-inch cubes, spherical or rectangular optics. The Q-IBC-1 is designed to mount into the open face of the cube opposite the base.

1-inch diameter polarizers or wave plates can be mounted externally to the cube with the Q-XIPR-1 polarizer rotator. This mount can be attached directly to any of the five open faces of the cube or, by using the RG Series guide rods, be mounted in line between any two cubes. This mount provides a full 360 degrees of indexed manual rotation and can hold polarizers up to 0.50-inch thick.

Similarly, 1-inch diameter lenses can also be mounted externally to or between cubes using theQ-XILP-1 lens positioner. This mount also has both 8-32 and M4 threaded holes for post mounting.

Table Mounting

The Q-TMS series of pedestal post holders, which include clamping forks, provides height adjustment and are used as a means to mount the cube to an optical table via PS Series 1 inch Optical Pedestals. The fork allows positioning of the post holder anywhere on the surface of the optical table. The Q-XE-RA-1 SR-series rod adaptor allows ultra-stable, direct-to-rod mounting of mirror mounts within the Q-OC-1 cubic enclosure. The Q-CP-1 allows optional post mounting of the cube to any one of its 5 open faces. This adaptor can be used to reorient the cube for vertical beam routing or as needed for other types of mounting configurations.

Beam Tubes

The Q-XE-TA-1 beam tube adaptor plate, which can attach to any of the 5 open faces of the cube, allows any of the Q-BT series beam tubes to be interfaced to the cube. The fit between the Q-XE-TA-1 beam tube adaptor and the Q-BT beam tubes are designed to be loose to allow additional positioning flexibility. Beam tubes can be connected together using the Q-BT-C . Set screws lock the beam tubes in place.

Beam Access

For applications where access to the optical beam is required, two interface plates are provided. The Q-XE-DI-1 provides access to the interior of the cube for fiber bundles with 0.25 diameter interfaces. The Q-XE-DI-2 provides similar access for connectorized optical fibers with SMA termination (UV-NIR Large Core Optical Fibers). The SMA termination is removable from the Q-XE-DI-2 interface plate and can be replaced with model 77675 which provides ST termination (Ferrules for Oriel Fiber Bundles) or one of several types of fiber bundles (Single Branch Fiber Bundles).

Cube Adaptors

Any open face of the Q-OC-1 cube can be covered using the Q-XE-CP-1 Cover Plate. Two access holes are provided in each cover plate to allow adjustment of an optical mount within the cube. Caps are included to cover the access holes. Two cubes can be mounted together, face-to-face, using a minimum of two Q-CC-1 cube connecting pegs. These short, 0.25-inch diameter pegs thread into the counterbored holes found on 3 of the 5 open sides of a cube. Note that the mating cube will only interface with a cube face having through-holes, which are found only on 2 of the 5 open sides of a cube. The Q-XE-MA-1 can be used to allow a cube to be mounted directly to an optical table via base clamps such as the BC-5 and BC-6 .

Guide Rods

RG Series Guide Rods enable the mounting and positioning of optical components such as lenses and polarizers between two cubes. The rods mount to the 4 counterbored holes found on 3 of the 5 open sides of a cube, providing support for optics mounting modules such as the Q-XIPR-1Polarizer Rotator or the Q-XILP-1 Lens Positioner. A cube can also be mounted in the same way, between two other cubes, using the 4 through holes (a separate set screw is provided with each rod to lock the cube to the rod when used in this way). Both the mounts and the cube can be moved axially along the rods to enable lens focusing or other types of alignment. The rods are available in five different lenghts and sized to space the cube\'s centerline at even inch increments as indicated in the description. The rods are tapped on one end and have a threaded stud on the other, which allows them to be stacked. Each rod has a hole, which is crossed-drilled, to assist in tightening and loosening.

Vertical Beam Routing

Vertical beam routing is enabled by the Q-XE-MA-1 cube mounting adaptor. This plate is designed to be mounted to any of the 5 open faces of the cube to provide an interface to the340-RC or 370-RC Rod Clamps. Once attached to a rod clamp, the cube can be easily mounted to one of the Standard or Damped Heavy Duty Rods for vertical beam routing. For applications which require vertical beam routing above 12 inches in height, the 2998 Solid Rod, which is stackable, can be used. Use of the VPB adjustable base is recommended when using the 2998rod.

AegisQ-XE-CP-1 cover plates have access holes to allow adjustment of optics mount within Q-OC-1 cubeAegisThe Q-SS100-R3HN Optics Mount can be completely enclosed within the Q-OC-1 Cubic Enclosure.AegisTop view showing Q-SS100-R3HN optics mount enclosed in Q-OC-1 cubeSR-6ZQ-XE-RA-1 adapts Aegis Qube Q-OC-1 to SR rodAQ_Table_Clamp-SThe Q-XE-MA-1 can be used to allow a cube to be mounted directly to an optical table.OM-AQ_SS050_Cube-SThe SUPREMA SS050-F3N mounted inside the Q-OC-1 cube using the Q-A50-E adaptor.OM-AQ_A50-E-SThe Q-A50-E adaptor allows the U50-A , U50-G or the SUPREMA Series 0.5-in. diameter optics mounts to be used inside the Q-OC-1 cube.OM-AQ_XYlens_rods-SThe Q-RG Series Guide Rods allow the Q-XILP-1 Lens Positioner to be located between two cubes.OM-AQ_Pegs_Cube-SThe Q-CC-1 Cube Connecting Pegs allow two cubes to be mounted together face-to-face.AegisA typical Aegis Qube two-dimensional beam routing configurationCube-PolarizerAegis Qube components used to create an enclosed variable attenuator (Note: Optical components sold separately)VerticalVertical beam routing congifurations can be created as shown in this diagram.AEGISQ-RG Series Guide Rods, Q-CC-1 Cube Connectors, aQ-CP-1 Post Adaptor, and a Q-XILP-1 XY Lens Positioner are used in this beam routing configuration.

Beam Tube Selection Guide


Single Tube Open (in.)

Model Min Max
Q-BT-1 2.0 2.6
Q-BT-2 3.0 3.6
Q-BT-3 4.0 4.6
Q-BT-4.5 5.5 6.1
Q-BT-6 7.0 7.6
Q-BT-12 13.0 13.6


Single Tube Closed (in.)

Model Min Max
Q-BT-1 3.8 4.2
Q-BT-2 4.0 5.2
Q-BT-3 5.0 6.2
Q-BT-4.5 6.5 7.7
Q-BT-6 8.0 9.2
Q-BT-12 14.0 15.2


2 Tubes w/ Connector, Open (in.)

Model Q-BT-1 Q-BT-2 Q-BT-3 Q-BT-4.5 Q-BT-6 Q-BT-12
Model Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
Q-BT-1 5.0 6.0 5.0 7.0 5.2 8.0 6.7 9.5 8.2 11.0 14.2 17.0
Q-BT-2 5.0 7.0 5.0 8.0 6.0 9.0 7.5 10.5 9.0 12.0 15.0 18.0
Q-BT-3 5.0 8.0 6.0 9.0 7.0 10.0 8.5 11.5 10.0 13.0 16.0 19.0
Q-BT-4.5 6.5 9.5 7.5 10.5 8.5 11.5 10.0 13.0 11.5 14.5 17.5 20.5
Q-BT-6 8.0 11.0 9.0 12.0 10.0 13.0 11.5 14.5 13.0 16.0 19.0 22.0
Q-BT-12 14.0 17.0 15.0 18.0 16.0 19.0 17.5 20.5 19.0 22.0 25.0 28.0


2 Tubes w/ Connector, Closed (in.)

Model Q-BT-1 Q-BT-2 Q-BT-3 Q-BT-4.5 Q-BT-6 Q-BT-12
Model Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
Q-BT-1 6.8 7.6 6.8 8.6 6.8 9.6 7.7 11.1 9.2 12.6 15.2 18.6
Q-BT-2 6.8 8.6 6.8 9.6 7.0 10.6 8.5 12.1 10.0 13.6 16.0 19.6
Q-BT-3 6.8 9.6 7.0 10.6 8.0 11.6 9.5 13.1 11.0 14.6 17.0 20.6
Q-BT-4.5 7.7 11.1 8.5 12.1 9.5 13.1 11.0 14.6 12.55 16.1 18.5 22.1
Q-BT-6 9.2 12.6 10.0 13.6 11.0 14.6 12.5 16.1 14.0 17.6 20.0 23.6
Q-BT-12 15.2 18.6 16.0 19.6 17.0 20.6 18.5 22.1 20.0 23.6 26.0 29.6