Low Wavefront Distortion Mirror Mounts

The typical radial three-point, set screw mounting feature found on most optical mounts induces wavefront distortion especially in larger mirrors. Low Wavefront Distortion (LWD) optical mounts are specifically designed to hold mirrors in a way that will not induce this type of distortion. Our Low Wavefront Distortion optical mounts use an axial three-point mounting method to gently, but securely, hold high precision optics.
Typical 3-Point Radial Clamp LWD 3-Point Axial Clamp
Low Wavefront Distortion Mirror Mount Overview
Stability™ LWD Mirror Mounts Ultima™ LWD General Purpose Gimbal LWD Mounts
• Ø0.5 and 1.0 in.
• Most Stable Mount
• Sapphire Seats
• Single or Dual Hole Mtg.
• Ø1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 in.
• Force-Adjustable Clamps
• Removable Locking Actuators
• Variable Optic Thickness
• Ø1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 in.
• Steel Construction
• Actuator Options
• Excellent Stability
The distortion in the optic is minimized not only because the forces acting it are oriented axially and in line, but also because there are twice as many mounting contact points. The forces that would cause distortion are essentially cut in half, more distributed, and axially opposite to eliminate bending. LWD mounts are typically used in imaging applications or whenever a nonuniform wavefront would adversly affect an experiment.


Actual (not simualted) interferrometric testing of our LWD Mirror Mounts demonstrate our low-stress mirror mounting clamp. See the Specifications tab for more detail.