Corner Mirror Mounts

Corner Mirror Mounts hold the mirror in a unique location near the edge of the frame. In this location, not only is there a clearer beam path but also gimbal movement is possible. How can you get gimbal movement from this basic design? With a corner mount, the center of the mirror is intentionally located at the xy intersection of the pitch and yaw adjusters, i.e., at the virtual fourth point of the square fromed by the ball points of the three actuators.

Corner Mirror Mount Overview
ULTIMA® Clear Edge Mirror Mounts Classic™ Corner Mounts Classic™ Center Mounts
• 1.0 in. Clear Edge Aperture
• 100-TPI Removable Actuators
• Non-Locking Knob Adjustor
• Ø0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 in. Mirrors
• 80-TPI Knob Actuators
• Sapphire Seats
• Ø1.0 and 2.0 in. Mirrors
• 80-TPI Knob Actuators
• Sapphire Seats

To achieve gimbal movement, two adjustment screws must be actuated the exact same distance. For gimbal pitch adjustment, the adjuster normally used for yaw adjustment must be actuated along with the corner adjuster the exact same distance. For gimbal yaw adjustment, the adjuster normally used for pitch adjustment must be actuated along with the corner adjuster the exact same distance. In this way, the mirror is being rotated about two virtual axes that intersect at the center of the optic, aka gimbal movement. Adjust one actuator at a time and the mount acts as a standard kinematic optical mount. Adjust all three actuators to translate the optic.


Classic™ Corner Mirror Mounts

These Corner Mounts only look conventional. The combination of our proprietary precision screws and bushings, sapphire seats, and extra thick frames gives you superior stability and precise repeatable adjustment. We offer these mounts in with a wide range of optic mounting apertures for 1/2, 1, or 2 in optic diameters. For pure translation, simply turn all knobs the same amount or for applications when translation is less important, adjust the tilt with just one knob.


Model Optic Diameter
[in. (mm)]
Optical Axis Height
[in. (mm)]
(arc sec)
Angular Range
Thread Type Drive Type
9808 0.5 (12.7) 2.0 (50.8) 4.4 ±4 8-32 (M4) CLR Knob
9809NF 1.0 (25.4) 2.0 (50.8) 4.4 ±4 8-32 (M4) CLR Knob
9809-K 1.0 (25.4) 2.0 (50.8) 4.4 ±4 8-32 (M4) CLR Allen-Key
9852 2.0 (50.8) 2.0 (50.8) 3.6 ±4 8-32 (M4) CLR Knob


9808 9809NF (9809-K) 9852 (-L)
99-9808 99-9809 99-9852