The SUPREMA family of mounts is the flag ship of Newport’s Mirror Mount offering and with their introduction a decade ago, ushered in the era of affordable high-performance stainless steel mirror mounts. The new SUPREMATM XTE is the highest performing mount in the Suprema family owing to new actuators, materials, and configuration. Its new stainless steel alloy gives a 38% lower Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE) while the higher TPI Adjustment screws provide a noticeable sensitivity advantage over the standard adjusters. To validate the performance benefits of its new features, The SUPREMATM XTE was rigorously tested in a thermal chamber with an autocollimation instrument. The results, graphically shown below, show superior performance in both drift and hysterisis over a comparable competitor’s mount. SX200-F3KN-254New SX200
Suprema Mirror Mount Overview
SN100C Series SN200 Series XTE Series
• 1.0-in. (25.4-mm) Mirrors
• 127-TPI Adjusters
• Clear Edge Aperture
• Knob, Hex and Mic.Options
• 2.0-in. (50.8-mm) Mirrors
• 100-TPI Adjusters
• Clear Edge Aperture
• Left-, Right-Handed Options
• 1.0- or 2.0-in. Mirrors
• Lowest Thermal Drift
• 127-, 170-, 254-TPI Adjusters
• 2 or 3 Adjuster Options

In addition to the superior sensitivity of the higher TPI adjusters, the SUPREMATM XTE mounts have consistent, smooth adjustability and feel, owing to the 3-V kinematic configuration of the contact points. Because of the 2-point V-groove contact across each of the adjustment screws, the turning resistance is the same on each actuator. These mounts are available in two- and three-actuator configurations providing adjustability over a range of +/- 7 degrees. Although it is made from stainless steel, the Suprema XTE mounts have an optically black finish to reduce stray light reflections. Convenient 8-32 (M4) counterbored clearance holes provide quick, precise, secure and stable mounting.

Competitive Thermal Stability Test Results


The thermal test results show the XTE Suprema outperforms the competitor’s best mount in both drift (deviation) and hysteresis (repeatability).