

AAA 级太阳光模拟器

在光谱匹配度、辐照不均匀性和时间稳定性方面,LSH-7520 获得 IEC 60904-9、JIS-C8912 和 ASTM-E927-10 标准的 AAA 认证。Oriel 会将每个基于 LED 的系统针对标准的所有方面进行严格测试,确保符合标准,并提供校准证书。

独立 LED 控制

这种创新设计在 400 nm 到 1100 nm 光谱范围内分布的 19 个单独的波长独立驱动多个 LED,以确保光谱匹配度满足 A 级认证。每个 LED 的独立控制允许用户按照测试的特定要求调整输出。可以在前面板上对整个光谱进行调整,也可以进行单个波段调整。用户可以通过 USB 端口调整单个 LED 输出。这些光谱匹配可以作为预设值保存在控制仪器中。


VeraSol Replicator 为用户提供了一种根据地理位置以及日期和时间生成太阳光谱的方法。该光谱用于生成 VeraSol LED 光谱,复制太阳光谱。太阳光模拟进入了一个新的时代。我们相信您将继续发现 VeraSol 的功能和优势,提高您的测试能力。

VeraSol-2 系统组件

VeraSol-2 太阳光模拟器包括 LSS-7120 控制器、LSH-7520 LED 光源、CC720 - LED 控制器电缆和垂直高度调节组件。您可以将系统直接安装到光学平台或面包板,或购买可选的面包板进行安装。

10,000 小时 LED 寿命

LED 的寿命通常超过 10,000 小时,不再需要更换昂贵且危险的灯泡。LED 在 100 毫秒内达到稳定的工作功率。这样在测试之间可以关闭单元,而不必等待灯稳定,或牺牲测试结果的完整性。这导致灯的有效使用时间比传统灯多几倍,并且不再需要在输出上使用快门。


使用 LED 灯和光学安装硬件可以改变光的出光方向,以满足您的应用需求。为了帮助定位光源,产品中包括一个可变高度调节安装座和一个激光指针式指示器,以确保测试电池始终位于光头下的正确位置。VeraSol&trade

PhotoVoltaic Calibration Lab

We are proud to house and manage one of the few commercial photovoltaic and calibration test laboratories in the world. The Photovoltaic Calibration and Test Laboratory is accredited by A2LA to the ISO/IEC 17025 Standard, using state of the art equipment for measurements in accordance with ASTM E948 and E1021. The lab welcomes requests for prototype PV device performance measurements or PV reference cell calibrations. Flexible scheduling and rapid turnaround time ensure minimal downtime to time sensitive devices.

Characterizing I-V Curves of PhotoVoltaic Cells

We offer test solutions to measure current-voltage (IV) characteristics of PV cells. Models are available in 1, 3, 5, or 10 amps configurations, determined by the current generated by the device under test. Solutions include the source meter, cabling, and IV Test Station software to capture data quickly and easily. Additional mounting, probing, and temperature control accessories are available. Oriel IV test solutions are designed to work with any Oriel solar simulator.

Optional Reference Cell

A calibrated reference cell is an integral part of solar simulator calibration and solar cell I-V characterization. The Oriel model 91150V consists of a readout meter and a 2 x 2 cm calibrated solar cell made of monocrystalline silicon. The cell is also equipped with a thermocouple assembled in accordance with IEC 60904-2. The certification is accredited by NIST to the ISO-17025 standard and is traceable both to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and to the International System of Units (SI). It reads solar simulator irradiance in "SUN" units; where one SUN is equal to 1000 W/m2 at 25 °C and AM 1.5G. The meter includes two connectors for analog outputs for the sun irradiance and the temperature.
We also offer reference cells with KG5 windows in place of the quartz window.