Model 9051 XY Fiber Launcher

9051aModel 9051

The XY fiber launcher’s unique flexure design means you won’t have to worry about hysteresis. Perfect for coupling light into or out of multimode fibers, it can be mounted on a flat surface or onto a post or pedestal riser. A nylon-tipped locking setscrew holds the fiber chuck in place. You can also use the Model 9051 with the Model 9092 coupler body to hold microscope objectives on the positioner.

Model 9095 Five-Axis Fiber Launcher

9095Model 9095

The fiber launcher combines our Model 9051 XY fiber positioner (above) with a modified Model9807 mirror mount (Standard and Pint-Sized Mirror Mounts), resulting in an inexpensive five-axis multimode-fiber launcher with 4.4-µm resolution. The mirror mount contributes tilt and Z translation to the X–Y motion of the flexure mount, resulting in a total of five degrees of freedom.

Model 9016NF Five-Axis Tiny Fiber Positioner

Similar to our Model 9091 single-mode-fiber positioner (Post-Mount Singlemode Fiber Aligners), our Tiny fiber positioner achieves superior stability by mounting a single stage within a solid base and following pure kinematic principles to move the stage. Five degrees of freedom are obtained with minimal slop or error. Perfect for applications where you need precision but don’t have a lot of space.