TETA Yb zai 生 放大器系统



       TETA是镱固体激光器系统。系统由一个内置光纤种子振荡器,光纤脉冲展宽器,法拉第隔离器,基于CPA的直接半导体泵浦 zai 生 放大器,附加脉冲提取器和脉冲压缩器组成。所有的器件集成在一个热稳定的箱体内,保证了稳定性和交钥匙运行。额外内置普克尔盒可以实现瞬间关闭输出辐射,以及用户控制输出重复频率。而且,普克尔盒可以 jing 确 提取脉冲,控制发射脉冲数(突发模式)和辐射的时间周期。TETA系统可以配备二次谐波和四次谐波产生器,以及Compulse毛细管压缩器,将脉宽降低到30 fs,转换效率>50 %






Maximum average output power

6 W

10 W

20 W

Maximum pulse energy

>400 uJ

>1   mJ

Minimum pulse duration1)

<270   fs

<350   fs

Pulse duration tuning range1)

<270   fs - 10 ps

<350   fs - 10 ps

Central wavelength2) (fixed)

1033±3   nm

1030±3   nm




Beam diameter (at 1/e^2)

3±0.3 mm

5±0.5 mm

Pulse repetition rate (user-adjustable)

single-shot…200   kHz (up to 1 MHz upon request)

Pre- and post-pulse contrast


Long-term output stability3)

<0.5%   rms over 48 h

Output polarization

linear,   vertical

Spatial mode


Beam ellipticity4)


Beam astigmatism4)


Beam divergence (full angle)

<0.6   mrad

Beam pointing stability

<25   urad/°C

Cold start warm-up time (beam   position, output power)

<40   min

Environmental and utility   specifications

Operating temperature

15-30 °C

Relative humidity

<60%,   non-condensing


single-phase;   100-240 VAC; 50/60 Hz

Power consumption

<1.5   kW

<2 kW

Physical dimensions

Laser head (LxWxH)

460x250x147 mm

500x330x147 mm

Control and power supply 19"   rack (WxLxH)

553x600x663 mm

Umbilical length

3 m

1) - measured with Avesta's AA-10DD-12PS interferometric   autocorrelator using Gaussian fitting; motorized tunable pulse duration with   PC control up to 10 ps is also installed by default;   the Compulse-1030 external hollow-fiber pulse compressor with   output pulse duration down to 30 fs is also available as an option;
  2) - external second, third and fourth harmonic generators are available upon   request; certain built-in combinations are also   available; Raman shifters to 1530 nm and 1890 nm are also   available;
  3) - measured under stable environmental conditions;
  4) - measured at maximum average power and 100 kHz repetition rate.