
PbS/PbSe NIR Spectrometer

Spectrometer SM301

Wide NIR(1~3um) and Mid-IR(1.5~5.0um) Spectral Range

Versatile and High Performance

TE-Cooled PbS/PbSeArray Detector

Best Solution for Realtime Monitoring in

NIR and Mid-IR

The Choice for NIR/MIR Spectral Applications

The SM301/SM301-EX is a versatile, high performance PbS/PbSearray spectrometer. Its active

components include a TE cooler and a 256-element PbS/PbSedetector element array.

Operation of the unit for research applications is easy with the included SM32Pro - Windows

based analysis software. The system is ideal for spectroscopic applications in the 1.0 to 3.0

micron (PbS) or 1.5 to 5.0 micron (PbSe) region. The SM301/SM301-EX includes thermoelectric

cooling to guarantee long-term operational stability. The SM301/SM301-EX employs a

multiplexed PbS/PbSearray as its NIR detection element. The array is cooled and temperature

stabilized at around - 4 o C which ensures long-term operation stability. Dark signal can thus be

automatically measured by the built-in electronics periodically and subtracted automatically.

Compared with conventional scanning NIR spectrometers the SM301/SM301-EX provides the

multichannel detection advantage, both in reducing the measurement time and enhancing

measurement signal-to-noise ratio. The SM301/SM301-EX can operate at a readout rate of

2MHz or faster allowing fast measurement and averaging operation to be performed in a short

period of time.