Design Features

The AGS1000 series of Cartesian gantry systems puts Aerotech's core technologies and extensive manufacturing capability to work for you, providing outstanding performance and versatility in a wide range of automation platforms. AGS1000 systems are designed for applications including high-speed pick-and-place, automated assembly, vision inspection, dispensing stations and high-accuracy inspection. The AGS1000 is based on the industry leading AGS10000 gantry, and maintains many of the same leading-edge characteristics.

Linear Motor/Linear Encoder

Aerotech's high-performance BLMC series brushless linear servomotors drive the AGS1000 to speeds of 2 m/s and accelerations of 2 g. Feedback is from a rugged noncontact optical linear encoder. Optimized to account for thermal expansion, the design ensures high accuracy under all operating conditions.

Rugged Design

Because the linear motor is a noncontact device, there is no backlash, wear or maintenance. The bearings are preloaded linear motion guides with wiper seals and grease fittings and are mounted to provide optimized stiffness and load distribution. Standard lubrication is cleanroom compatible.

Cable Management System

Extensive R&D has resulted in an optimized cable management system (CMS) that has been field proven to be the industry's most reliable design. Large bend radii and high-flex cables ensure that the AGS1000 provides millions of cycles of maintenance-free operation. In the unlikely event of a component failure, a modular design ensures that part replacement is fast and easy.

All customer cabling and pneumatics can be routed through the system e-chain. Connectors are provided at the workpiece and at the opposite end of the e-chain, greatly simplifying final machine integration.

Turnkey Operation

Aerotech's years of experience manufacturing precision positioning and control systems can be leveraged by acquiring a turnkey system. Typical options include Z-theta mechanisms, risers to accommodate automated parts handling equipment and machine bases that are designed to accommodate the entire electronics subsystem.

Aerotech manufactures a wide range of high-performance amplifiers and advanced motion controllers that are optimized for high-performance automation applications.

Cartesian Robots Brochure

Cartesian Robots CoverFor complete information on our advanced gantry systems, please see our Cartesian Robots brochure. You can get a pdf HERE.


AGS1000 Specifications

Travel(1)200 mm x 200 mm400 mm x 400 mm500 mm x 500 mm
Maximum Travel Speed(2)2 m/s
Maximum Linear Acceleration2 g (No Load)
Maximum Load(3)15 kg
Continuous Force(4,5,6)Lower AxisAir Cooling 
(20 psi)
228 N
No Air146 N
Upper AxisAir Cooling 
(20 psi)
114 N
No Air73 N
Peak Force(4,6)Lower Axis916 N
Upper Axis458 N
Accuracy(7)±5.0 µm
Repeatability±2.0 µm
Orthogonality5 arc sec
Nominal System Weight (Gantry Only)(8)47.7 kg65 kg73.6 kg
Moving Mass(8)Lower Axis21 kg25 kg27 kg
Upper Axis3 kg
FinishStage(9)Clear Anodize
TableHard Coat Anodize
  1. Custom travel lengths available - contact factory.

  2. Maximum speed based on stage capability; maximum application velocity may be limited by system data rate and system resolution.

  3. Maximum load based on bearing capability; maximum application load may be limited by acceleration requirements.

  4. Depends on configuration.

  5. Thermal limitations of positioning stage with respect to performance may limit continuous force output.

  6. Force may be limited by amplifier output.

  7. Measured at center of travel.

  8. Values shown are approximations only and will vary based on customer requirements including, but not limited to, nominal gantry travel, maximum system velocity, quantity and size of customer cables and hoses, and customer payload mass and size.

  9. Custom finishes available — contact factory.


Ordering Information

AGS1000 Direct-Drive Cartesian Gantry System

AGS1000-XXX-YYYAGS1000 direct-drive cartesian gantry system, XXX mm lower-axis travel, YYY mm upper-axis travel

Feedback (Required)

-E1Lower axis: dual incremental linear encoder, 1 Vpp
Upper axis: single incremental linear encoder, 1 Vpp
-E2Lower axis: dual incremental linear encoder, 0.1 µm digital TTL Upper axis: single incremental linear encoder, 0.1 µm digital TTL

Limits (Required)

-LI1Normally-closed limit switches; 5 VDC
-LI2Normally-open limit switches; 5 VDC

Lifting (Optional)

-LFLifting hardware provided with system assembly

Performance Grade (Required)

-PL6Standard performance - plots for accuracy-only included

Integration (Required)

Aerotech offers both standard and custom integration services to help you get your system fully operational as quickly as possible. The following standard integration options are available for this system. Please consult Aerotech if you are unsure what level of integration is required, or if you desire custom integration support with your system.

-TASIntegration - Test as system
Testing, integration, and documentation of a group of components as a complete system that will be used together (ex: drive, controller, and stage). This includes parameter file generation, system tuning, and documentation of the system configuration.
-TACIntegration - Test as components
Testing and integration of individual items as discrete components that ship together. This is typically used for spare parts, replacement parts, or items that will not be used together. These components may or may not be part of a larger system.