
Design Features

The dual stainless-steel carriage, linear air-bearing stage provides exceptional straightness, flatness, roll, pitch, and yaw performance for testing, optical metrology, and laser processing applications. It can be used in horizontal (as shown), inverted, or upright applications. The granite base provides excellent stiffness and thermal stability


Mechanical Specifications

PositioningTravel1000 mm per carriage
AccuracyLT Standard±40.0 µm
HALAR(1)±1 µm
Repeatability±0.5 µm
Minimum Step Size100 nm
Straightness±2.5 µm
Flatness±5.0 µm
Pitch±25 µrad (±5 arc sec)
Roll±25 µrad (±5 arc sec)
Yaw±25 µrad (±5 arc sec)
DynamicMaximum Speed(2)250 mm/s
Maximum Acceleration(2)0.25g
OtherMaximum Force (Continuous)See BLM-267-A; Qty (2); w/Motor Cooling
Load Capacity(3)Horizontal50 kg
Operating Pressure(4)(5)80 psi ±5 psig
Air Consumption
32-40 SLPM @ 552 kPa (1.13-1.4 SCFM @ 5.52 bar)
Moving Mass
52 kg (per carriage)
Stage Mass
1600 kg (bridge assembly only; no risers)
MaterialGranite base; steel carriages; aluminum carriages optional
ProtectionSome protection; components exposed from underneath stage
  1. Available with Aerotech controllers.

  2. Speed and acceleration based on 5 kg load.

  3. Maximum load based on bearing capability. Maximum application load may be limited by acceleration requirements.

  4. To protect air bearing against under-pressure, an in-line pressure switch tied to the motion controller/amplifier ESTOP input is recommended.

  5. Air supply must be clean, dry to 0°F dew point and filtered to 0.25 µm or better; recommend nitrogen at 99.9% purity.

  6. Specifications are for single-axis systems measured 25 mm above the tabletop. Performance of multi-axis systems is payload and workpoint dependent. Consult factory for multi-axis or non-standard applications.

  7. Note: To ensure the achievement and repeatability of the specifications over an extended period of time, environmental temperature must be controlled to within 0.25 degrees C/24 hours.  If this is not possible, alternate products are available.  Please consult Aerotech Sales Engineering for more information.


Ordering Information

Please CONTACT an Aerotech Application Engineer to discuss your requirements.