
Design Features

Aerotech’s AVS1000 series stages offer the ideal solution for applications that require moving large or heavy loads over very small incremental movements in elevation above a horizontal plane. Low profiles and precise motion capability make these stages ideal for use in semiconductor manufacturing and inspection, automated tool alignment, machine vision inspection systems and laser machining applications.

Quality Design Provides Superior Performance

The AVS1000 series provides precise elevation of a load in a vertical plane using a moving wedge design. The precision machined wedge block converts horizontal movement from a precision-ground ball screw to vertical elevation of the AVS1000 series tabletop.

Sealed linear motion guide bearings with integral wipers are incorporated to provide excellent payload capability, long life and smooth, precision motion. Stable and parallel vertical motion with no rocking or horizontal deviation of the platform is ensured.

Careful design of the wedge angle and bearing system allows the AVS1000 series to achieve submicron resolution and still maintain a compact profile. The optional factory calibration option is available to further increase standard accuracy and repeatability.

A Better Approach to Vertical Motion

The vertical lift approach offers an alternative to traditional Z-plane oriented stages. Not only do the AVS1000 series stages offer a lower profile, but the load can also be accessed easily from any side. And by centering the payload over the bearings, there are no cantilevering effects.

Motor and Drives

The AVS1000 series includes Aerotech's high performance NEMA 34 frame-size BMS series brushless, slotless servomotor. The slotless motor has zero cogging and therefore is optimized for applications requiring very smooth motion.

Aerotech manufactures a wide range of matching drives and controls to provide a fully integrated and optimized motion solution.


Mechanical Specifications

Travel5 mm10 mm
Accuracy(1)Standard±2.0 µm±4.0 µm
Calibrated±1.0 µm±1.0 µm
Resolution5 nm
Bidirectional Repeatability(1)±0.5 µm
Straightness(2)±0.5 µm±1.0 µm
Pitch(2)±5 arc sec±7.5 arc sec
Roll(2)±5 arc sec±7.5 arc sec
Yaw(2)±5 arc sec±7.5 arc sec
Maximum Speed20 mm/s
Maximum Acceleration0.05 g
Load Capacity(3)Vertical135 kg
MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure)15,000 Hours
  1. Certified with each stage.

  2. Specifications are for no-load condition. Pitch, roll and straightness may be affected by amount and centering of the load.

  3. Load must be centered within the stage aperture.

  4. Specifications are for single-axis systems measured 25 mm above the tabletop. Performance of multi-axis systems is payload and workpoint dependent. Consult factory for multi-axis or non-standard applications.

Electrical Specifications

Drive SystemBrushless Rotary Servomotor
FeedbackNoncontact Linear Encoder
Maximum Bus Voltageup to 320 VDC
Limit Switches5 V, Normally Closed

Recommended Controller

Multi-AxisA3200Ndrive MP/Ndrive CP/Ndrive HLe/Npaq MXR
EnsembleEnsemble MP/Ensemble CP/Ensemble HLe/Epaq
Single AxisSoloistSoloist MP/Soloist CP/Soloist HLe
  1. Linear amplifiers are required to achieve the listed specifications. Other options are available.


Ordering Information

AVS1000 Mechanical-Bearing Ball-Screw Lift Stage

Travel (Required)

-055 mm travel
  1. Note: Custom travels available; consult Aerotech for more information.

Motor (Optional)

-M1BMS280 brushless servomotor and 1000-line TTL encoder
-M2BMS280 brushless servomotor and 1000-line TTL encoder with brake
-M3BMS280 brushless servomotor and 1000-line 1 Vpp encoder
-M4BMS280 brushless servomotor and 1000-line 1 Vpp encoder with brake

Limits (Required)

-LI1Normally-closed limit switches, 9-pin D connector
-LI2Normally-closed limit switches, flying leads
-LI3Normally-open limit switches, 9-pin D connector
-LI4Normally-open limit switches, flying leads

Metrology (Required)

-PL1Metrology, uncalibrated with performance plots
-PL2Metrology, calibrated (HALAR) with performance plots

Integration (Required)

Aerotech offers both standard and custom integration services to help you get your system fully operational as quickly as possible. The following standard integration options are available for this system. Please consult Aerotech if you are unsure what level of integration is required, or if you desire custom integration support with your system.

-TASIntegration - Test as system
Testing, integration, and documentation of a group of components as a complete system that will be used together (ex: drive, controller, and stage). This includes parameter file generation, system tuning, and documentation of the system configuration.
-TACIntegration - Test as components
Testing and integration of individual items as discrete components that ship together. This is typically used for spare parts, replacement parts, or items that will not be used together. These components may or may not be part of a larger system.