
Design Features

The PRO280SL and PRO280SLE are Aerotech’s second-generation PRO280 stage designs with many improvements and added features. Enhanced positioning specifications coupled with competitive pricing make the PRO280SL/SLE stage the ideal choice for both medium and high-performance applications. The design is similar to the PRO225SL/SLE series, providing additional load capacity and stiffness with larger bearings and a wider cross-section.

Rugged Mechanical Construction

A long-life recirculating linear guide bearing system and a low-friction sealing solution make the PRO280SL/SLE an attractive solution for industrial applications such as laser machining. The basic external construction of the PRO280SL/SLE design provides protection from debris while the side-seals prevent dirt and particulates from entering the stage. The curved hard-cover design provides a natural shape that prevents excessive debris from collecting on the stage.

Linear Encoder Option

For applications requiring direct-metrology of the output carriage, the PRO280SLE integrates a direct linear encoder that is protected by the stage sealing system. Amplified sine, digital TTL output, and absolute encoders are available as standard options for linear feedback.

Design and Integration Flexibility

The PRO280SL/SLE is designed with many standard features and options that make the design incredibly flexible and allow it to be easily tailored to a specific application. The PRO280SL/SLE is available in 12 different models with travels ranging from 300 mm to 1000 mm and speeds up to 220 mm/s.

The base mounting holes are accessible from the outside of the stage allowing for easy mounting. Standard mounting holes for both English and metric optical tables are present in all travels. The tabletop is available with both English and metric mounting patterns and can be ordered with brush attachments to clear any debris that may collect on the stage hard cover. Tabletops with hole patterns that allow the direct attachment of Aerotech’s ADRS, ACS-LP, ADRT, ACS, CCS, ALAR, and AGR rotary stages are also available.

Aerotech BM or BMS series brushless servomotors are available with a variety of encoder options providing net electronic resolutions ranging from 0.5 μm down to sub-nm. A holding brake can be added to the motor for vertical applications. A motor foldback kit is available for spaceconstrained applications to reduce the overall stage length.

The PRO280SL/SLE series is also available with cleanroom preparation and vacuum versions.

Accurate Positioning with ThermoComp

Temperature changes and thermal effects are some of the largest error sources in precision machines, particularly in ball-screw-driven mechanics due to self-heating. All PRO series stages are available with Aerotech’s ThermoComp feature, an embedded temperature compensation unit that guarantees accurate positioning not only in variable temperature environments, but during extended use of ballscrew-driven stages. Using ThermoComp protects your process from real-world positioning conditions even in extreme industrial settings.


PRO280SL/SLE Specifications

Accuracy(1)SLStandard±9.5 μm±11 μm±13 μm±15 μm±17 μm±18 μm
Calibrated±1.5 μm±1.5 μm±2 μm±2 μm±2.5 μm±3 μm
SLEStandard±10 μm±12 μm±14 μm±15.5 μm±17 μm±18 μm
Calibrated±1 μm±1 μm±1.5 μm±1.5 μm±1.5 μm±1.5 μm
(Min. Incremental Motion)
SL0.1 μm(2); 1.0 μm(3)
SLE0.05 μm (-E1/-E3 Encoder); 0.2 μm (-E2 Encoder); 1.0 μm (-E4 Encoder)
SL±1 μm±1 μm±1 μm±1 μm±1 μm±1 μm
SLE±0.5 μm±0.5 μm±0.5 μm±0.5 μm±0.75 μm±0.75 μm
Horizontal Straightness(1)±3 μm±4 μm±5 μm±6 μm±7 μm±8.5 μm
Vertical Straightness(1)±3 μm±4 μm±5 μm±6 μm±7 μm±8.5 μm
Pitch49 μrad
(10.1 arc sec)
60 μrad
(12.4 arc sec)
70 μrad
(14.4 arc sec)
78 μrad
(16.1 arc sec)
90 μrad
(18.6 arc sec)
110 μrad
(22.7 arc sec)
Roll49 μrad
(10.1 arc sec)
60 μrad
(12.4 arc sec)
70 μrad
(14.4 arc sec)
78 μrad
(16.1 arc sec)
90 μrad
(18.6 arc sec)
110 μrad
(22.7 arc sec)
Yaw49 μrad
(10.1 arc sec)
60 μrad
(12.4 arc sec)
70 μrad
(14.4 arc sec)
78 μrad
(16.1 arc sec)
90 μrad
(18.6 arc sec)
110 μrad
(22.7 arc sec)
Maximum Speed(4)220 mm/s140 mm/s
Maximum Acceleration(4)Function of Motor, Amplifier Selection, Payload, and Maximum Axial Load
Load Capacity(5)Horizontal150 kg
Vertical (Axial)70 kg
Side150 kg
Moving Mass (w/Tabletop)SL12.3 kg
SLE12.5 kg
Stage Mass (No Motor)SL39.1 kg42.5 kg45.9 kg49.3 kg56.1 kg62.9 kg
SLE40.2 kg43.7 kg47.1 kg50.6 kg57.4 kg64.3 kg
MaterialAnodized Aluminum
MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure)20,000 Hours
  1. Certified with -PL1/-PL2 option.

  2. Achieved with Aerotech rotary motor with amplified sine encoder."

  3. Achieved with Aerotech rotary motor with 2500 cnts/ rev digital encoder.

  4. Requires the selection of an appropriate amplifier with sufficient voltage and current.

  5. Axis-orientation for on-axis loading is listed.

  6. Specifications are for single-axis systems measured 25 mm above the tabletop. Performance of multi-axis systems is payload and workpoint dependent. Contact factory for multi-axis applications.

  7. Specifications listed are non-foldback kit options. Contact factory for specifications when a foldback kit (-FBx) is used.

Electrical Specifications

Drive SystemBrushless Rotary Servomotor
Feedback (Linear Encoder – SLE Version Only)Incremental – 1 Vpp and TTL (0.1 μm & 0.5 μm) Output
Feedback (Rotary Encoder)Incremental – 1000 lines/rev (1 Vpp) and 2500 lines/rev (TTL)
Maximum Bus Voltage340 VDC
Limit Switches5 V, Normally-Closed

Recommended Controller

Multi-AxisA3200Ndrive HLe/Ndrive CP/Ndrive HPe/Npaq
EnsembleEnsemble HLe/Ensemble CP/Ensemble HPe
Single AxisSoloistSoloist CP/Soloist HPe


Ordering Information

PRO280SL Series Linear, Ball-Screw Stage

Travel (Required)

-0300300 mm travel stage
-0400400 mm travel stage
-0500500 mm travel stage
-0600600 mm travel stage
-0800800 mm travel stage
-10001000 mm travel stage

Mounting Orientation (Required)


Normal mounting orientation
-MT1Side-mounted or vertical orientation
-MT2Inverted mounting orientation

Tabletop (Optional)

-TT1Tabletop with metric dimension mounting
-TT2Tabletop with English dimension mounting
-TT3Accessory tabletop with mounting for select rotary stages
-TT4Tabletop with metric dimension mounting and wiper brushes
-TT5Tabletop with English dimension mounting and wiper brushes
-TT6Accessory tabletop with mounting for select rotary stages and wipers

Motor (Optional)

-M1BMS465 brushless servomotor and 2500-line TTL encoder
-M2BMS465 brushless servomotor, 2500-line TTL encoder, and brake
-M3BMS465 brushless servomotor and 1000-line 1 Vpp encoder
-M4BMS465 brushless servomotor, 1000-line 1 Vpp encoder, and brake
-M5BM500 brushless servomotor and 2500-line TTL encoder
-M6BM500 brushless servomotor, 2500-line TTL encoder, and brake
-M7BM500 brushless servomotor and 1000-line 1 Vpp encoder
-M8BM500 brushless servomotor, 1000-line 1 Vpp encoder, and brake

Foldback Kit (Optional)

-FB1Foldback kit for 0.500 inch diameter shaft NEMA 34 motor

Motor Orientation (Optional)

-2Bottom cable exit, optional orientation
-3Left-side cable exit, standard orientation
-4Top cable exit, optional orientation
-5Right-side cable exit, optional orientation
-8Right-side foldback, standard orientation
-12Left-side foldback, optional orientation

Limits (Required)

-LI1Normally-closed limit switches; 5 VDC with 9-Pin D connector
-LI2Normally-open limit switches; 5 VDC with 9-Pin D connector
-LI3Normally-closed limit switches; 24 VDC with 9-Pin D connector

Coupling (Optional)

-CP1Coupling for 0.500 inch diameter shaft

Lifting Hardware (Optional)

-LFLifting hardware
  1. Lifting option available on all travels. Lifting should never be ordered on the upper-axis of an XY set (only order on lower-axis).

ThermoComp (Optional)

-TCMPThermoComp integrated thermal compensation, single or lower axis
Note: An A3200 controller must be used with the -TCMP option.

Metrology (Required)

-PL0No metrology performance plots
-PL1Metrology, uncalibrated with performance plots
-PL2Metrology, calibrated (HALAR) with performance plots

Integration (Required)

Aerotech offers both standard and custom integration services to help you get your system fully operational as quickly as possible. The following standard integration options are available for this system. Please consult Aerotech if you are unsure what level of integration is required, or if you desire custom integration support with your system.

-TASIntegration - Test as system
Testing, integration, and documentation of a group of components as a complete system that will be used together (ex: drive, controller, and stage). This includes parameter file generation, system tuning, and documentation of the system configuration.
-TACIntegration - Test as components
Testing and integration of individual items as discrete components that ship together. This is typically used for spare parts, replacement parts, or items that will not be used together. These components may or may not be part of a larger system.

Accessories (to be ordered as separate line item)

ALIGNMENT-NPANon-precision XY assembly
ALIGN-NPAZNon-precision XZ or YZ assembly
ALIGN-PA10XY assembly; 10 arc sec orthogonality. Alignment to within 7 microns orthogonality for short travel stages.
ALIGN-PA10ZXZ or YZ assembly with L-bracket; 10 arc second orthogonality. Alignment to within 10 microns orthogonality for short travel stages.
ALIGN-PA5XY assembly; 5 arc sec orthogonality. Alignment to within 3 microns orthogonality for short travel stages.
ALIGN-PA5ZXZ or YZ assembly with L-bracket; 5 arc second orthogonality. Alignment to within 5 microns orthogonality for short travel stages.
HDZ280Right angle L-bracket for PRO280SL/SLE-300 and PRO280SL/SLE-400 only

PRO280SLE Series Linear, Ball-Screw Stage with Direct Linear Feedback

Direct Linear Feedback (Required)

-E1Incremental linear encoder; 1 Vpp
-E2Incremental linear encoder; 0.1 μm digital TTL output
-E3Absolute linear encoder; EnDat 2.2
-E4Incremental linear encoder, 0.5 μm digital TTL output

Travel (Required)

-0300300 mm travel stage
-0400400 mm travel stage
-0500500 mm travel stage
-0600600 mm travel stage
-0800800 mm travel stage
-10001000 mm travel stage

Mounting Orientation (Required)


Normal mounting orientation
-MT1Side-mounted or vertical orientation
-MT2Inverted mounting orientation

Tabletop (Required)

-TT1Tabletop with metric dimension mounting
-TT2Tabletop with English dimension mounting
-TT3Accessory tabletop with mounting for select rotary stages
-TT4Tabletop with metric dimension mounting and wiper brushes
-TT5Tabletop with English dimension mounting and wiper brushes
-TT6Accessory tabletop with mounting for select rotary stages and wipers

Motor (Optional)

-M1BMS465 brushless servomotor and 2500-line TTL encoder
-M2BMS465 brushless servomotor, 2500-line TTL encoder, and brake
-M3BMS465 brushless servomotor and 1000-line 1 Vpp encoder
-M4BMS465 brushless servomotor, 1000-line 1 Vpp encoder, and brake
-M5BM500 brushless servomotor and 2500-line TTL encoder
-M6BM500 brushless servomotor, 2500-line TTL encoder, and brake
-M7BM500 brushless servomotor and 1000-line 1 Vpp encoder
-M8BM500 brushless servomotor, 1000-line 1 Vpp encoder, and brake

Foldback Kit (Optional)

-FB1Foldback kit for 0.500 inch diameter shaft NEMA 34 motor

Motor Orientation (Optional)

-2Bottom cable exit, optional orientation
-3Left-side cable exit, standard orientation
-4Top cable exit, optional orientation
-5Right-side cable exit, optional orientation
-8Right-side foldback, standard orientation
-12Left-side foldback, optional orientation

Limits (Required)

-LI1Normally-closed limit switches; 5 VDC with 9-Pin D connector
-LI2Normally-open limit switches; 5 VDC with 9-Pin D connector
-LI3Normally-closed limit switches; 24 VDC with 9-Pin D connector

Coupling (Optional)

-CP1Coupling for 0.500 inch diameter shaft

Lifting Hardware (Optional)

-LFLifting hardware
  1. Lifting option available on all travels. Lifting should never be ordered on the upper-axis of an XY set (only order on lower-axis).

ThermoComp (Optional)

-TCMPThermoComp integrated thermal compensation, single or lower axis
Note: An A3200 controller must be used with the -TCMP option.

Metrology (Required)

-PL0No metrology performance plots
-PL1Metrology, uncalibrated with performance plots
-PL2Metrology, calibrated (HALAR) with performance plots

Integration (Required)

Aerotech offers both standard and custom integration services to help you get your system fully operational as quickly as possible. The following standard integration options are available for this system. Please consult Aerotech if you are unsure what level of integration is required, or if you desire custom integration support with your system.

-TASIntegration - Test as system
Testing, integration, and documentation of a group of components as a complete system that will be used together (ex: drive, controller, and stage). This includes parameter file generation, system tuning, and documentation of the system configuration.
-TACIntegration - Test as components
Testing and integration of individual items as discrete components that ship together. This is typically used for spare parts, replacement parts, or items that will not be used together. These components may or may not be part of a larger system.

Accessories (to be ordered as separate line item)

ALIGNMENT-NPANon-precision XY assembly
ALIGN-NPAZNon-precision XZ or YZ assembly
ALIGN-PA10XY assembly; 10 arc sec orthogonality. Alignment to within 7 microns orthogonality for short travel stages.
ALIGN-PA10ZXZ or YZ assembly with L-bracket; 10 arc second orthogonality. Alignment to within 10 microns orthogonality for short travel stages.
ALIGN-PA5XY assembly; 5 arc sec orthogonality. Alignment to within 3 microns orthogonality for short travel stages.
ALIGN-PA5ZXZ or YZ assembly with L-bracket; 5 arc second orthogonality. Alignment to within 5 microns orthogonality for short travel stages.
HDZ280Right angle L-bracket for PRO280SL/SLE-300 and PRO280SL/SLE-400 only