
Design Features

The ALS1000 is a compact, high-performance stage that is as accurate as it is versatile. It provides a small cross section, large payload capacity, cost-effective solution for precision applications where a small footprint and environmental protection are required. A linear motion guide bearing system, two-axis internal cable management and high-performance brushless servomotor make the ALS1000 the stage of choice in industrial applications such as laser machining, medical component manufacturing and other applications requiring high accuracy in a production environment.

Construction Features

Sealed linear motion guide bearings with integral wipers are incorporated to provide excellent payload capability and long life. Both the metal waycover and tabletop are treated with a hardcoat (Rockwell 62 hardness) that is scratch-resistant and provides outstanding protection in the harshest applications. An optional air-purge fitting is available that allows air to be forced into the body of the stage to create a positive internal pressure that resists particulates from entering the stage. The tabletop utilizes stainless steel Helicoil™ inserts to protect mounting holes against thread wear.

Linear Motor Drive

Aerotech’s high-power, cog-free, BLMC series linear motor drives the ALS1000. The non-magnetic forcer coil provides high force with zero cogging for super-smooth velocity and position control. This zero cogging design is ideal for applications requiring outstanding contour accuracy and smooth velocity profiling. As with all of Aerotech’s ALS series linear motor stages, the linear motor has zero backlash, no windup, zero friction and outstanding system responsiveness.

Cable Management System

The ALS1000 features an optimized cable management system (CMS) that is designed for millions of cycles of maintenance-free operation. In single- and two-axis systems, the CMS is completely internal. External CMS is available for three-axis systems.

High Performance

Noncontact linear encoders are standard on all ALS1000 series stages. Either a line-driver output or amplified sine-wave output encoder is available. Motor power and feedback signals terminate in the stage endplate allowing for a simple, clean interface.

The optional HALAR factory calibration further increases the standard accuracy and repeatability. Aerotech manufactures a wide range of matching drives and controls to provide a fully integrated and optimized motion solution.


ALS1000 Specifications

Travel100 mm150 mm200 mm300 mm450 mm
Drive SystemLinear Brushless Servomotor
Bus VoltageUp to 80 VDC
Continuous CurrentApkUp to 4.20 A
ArmsUp to 2.97 A
Resolution0.005 µm - 1.0 µm
Maximum Travel Speed(1)750 mm/s
Maximum Linear Acceleration2 g (No Load)
Maximum Load(2)Horizontal50.0 kg
Side25.0 kg
AccuracyUncalibrated±4.0 µm±6.0 µm±8.0 µm±12.0 µm±18.0 µm
Calibrated(3)±1.0 µm
Repeatability±1.0 µm
Straightness and FlatnessDifferential3.0 µm/25 mm
Max Deviation±2.4 µm±3.6 µm±4.8 µm±7.2 µm±10.8 µm
Pitch and Yaw6 arc sec9 arc sec12 arc sec16 arc sec20 arc sec
Nominal Stage Weight8.4 kg10.0 kg11.0 kg13.1 kg16.0 kg
ConstructionAluminum Body/Black Anodize Finish/Hardcoat
  1. Maximum speed based on stage capability. Maximum application velocity may be limited by system data rate and system resolution.

  2. Maximum load based on bearing capability. Maximum application load may be limited by acceleration requirements.

  3. Available with Aerotech controllers.

  4. Specifications are for single-axis systems, measured 25 mm above the tabletop. Performance of multi-axis systems is payload and workpoint dependent. Consult factory for multi-axis or non-standard applications.


Ordering Information

ALS1000 Mechanical-Bearing Direct-Drive Linear Stage


-100100 mm travel
-150150 mm travel
-200200 mm travel
-300300 mm travel
-450450 mm travel

Feedback (Required)

-E1Linear encoder, amplified sine output, 1 Vpp
-E2Linear encoder, 1 µm digital TTL output

Cable Management (Required)

-CMS1Single axis, internal cable management system
-CMS2Cable management system for ALS XY assembly, lower axis, internal CMS
-CMS3Cable management system for ALS XY assembly, lower axis, external CMS
-CMS4Cable management system for non-ALS XZ assembly, lower axis, internal CMS
-CMS5Cable management system for XYZ assembly, lower axis, external CMS
-CMS6Cable management system for Y assembly, upper axis, internal CMS
-CMS7Cable management system for YXZ assembly, middle axis, internal CMS

Tabletop (Required)

-TT1Tabletop with metric dimension mounting pattern and holes
-TT2Tabletop with English dimension mounting pattern and holes

Home Marker (Required)

-HM1Home marker located at stage center
-HM2Home marker located at counter-clockwise end of travel
-HM3Home marker located at clockwise end of travel

Metrology (Required)

-PL1Metrology, uncalibrated with performance plots
-PL2Metrology, calibrated (HALAR) wtih performance plots

Integration (Required)

Aerotech offers both standard and custom integration services to help you get your system fully operational as quickly as possible. The following standard integration options are available for this system. Please consult Aerotech if you are unsure what level of integration is required, or if you desire custom integration support with your system.

-TASIntegration - Test as system
Testing, integration, and documentation of a group of components as a complete system that will be used together (ex: drive, controller, and stage). This includes parameter file generation, system tuning, and documentation of the system configuration.
-TACIntegration - Test as components
Testing and integration of individual items as discrete components that ship together. This is typically used for spare parts, replacement parts, or items that will not be used together. These components may or may not be part of a larger system.