
Design Features

Linear Motor Drive

Unlike many stages that utilize a side-drive lead screw, the ALS135 employs a center-driven, non-cogging linear motor as the driving element. Since the linear motor is a direct-drive device there is no backlash, windup or “stiction” that is normally associated with a lead screw or ball screw drive.

The linear motor drive also offers the advantage of higher speeds and accelerations. The compact yet powerful linear motor drives the ALS135 to a peak unloaded acceleration of 1 g and a maximum velocity of 300 mm/s. The result is a high-accuracy device with outstanding throughput that significantly outperforms comparable high-accuracy screw-driven stages.

Outstanding Resolution

For alignment applications, outstanding step-to-step resolution is critical. The ALS135 meets this demand with a resolution of 2.5 nm when coupled with Aerotech controls. The direct-drive linear motor allows the ALS135 to make precise, small resolution steps. This is particularly important in alignment applications where step accuracy is critical.

Superior Geometry

Aerotech’s ultra-stiff construction and compact two-piece design results in a stage with superb geometrical tolerances. As a result, straightness and flatness for the standard stage is <±2 μm over the entire travel. The effects of Abbe error are nearly eliminated, vastly improving overall system accuracy.

Smooth Travel

Designed for smooth, vibration-free motion, the ALS135 exhibits the outstanding ripple-free motion required for scanning and inspection applications.

Designed for Long Life

Like all stages in the Aerotech product family, the ALS135 was designed for outstanding long-term performance. Both the linear motor and linear encoder are noncontact devices — they not only exhibit long-life, but are completely maintenance free. A moving magnet track design eliminates the need for cable management, further improving long-term reliability.

Precision Alignment

ALS135 series stages are easily configured as XY assemblies. Options include precision orthogonality alignment to 5 arc seconds and available vertical axis solutions.


Mechanical Specifications

Travel25 mm50 mm100 mm150 mm200 mm
Drive SystemLinear Brushless Servomotor (BLMUC-95-A)
Bus VoltageUp to 80 VDC with a single 25-pin D connector;
Up to 160 VDC with split feedback and power – two 25-pin D connectors
Continuous CurrentApk2.94
FeedbackNoncontact Linear Encoder
Resolution0.0025 µm - 1.0 µm
Maximum Travel Speed(1)300 mm/s
Maximum Linear Acceleration1 g (No Load)
Maximum Load(2)Horizontal15.0 kg
Side10.0 kg
AccuracyCalibrated(3)±0.3 µm
Uncalibrated±2.0µm±2.0 µm±4.0 µm±6.0 µm±8.0 µm
Repeatability(3)±100 nm
Straightness and FlatnessMaximum Deviation±1 µm±1.5 µm±1.5 µm±2 µm±2 µm
Pitch±5 arc sec±6 arc sec±8 arc sec±10 arc sec±12 arc sec
Roll±5 arc sec±6 arc sec±8 arc sec±10 arc sec±12 arc sec
Yaw±5 arc sec±5 arc sec±6 arc sec±7 arc sec±9 arc sec
Nominal Stage Weight2.8 kg3.0 kg3.8 kg4.6 kg5.4 kg
Moving Mass0.9 kg1 kg1.2 kg1.4 kg1.6 kg
ConstructionAluminum Body/Black Anodize Finish
  1. Maximum speed based on stage capability. Maximum application velocity may be limited by system data rate and system resolution.

  2. Maximum load based on bearing capability. Maximum application load may be limited by acceleration requirements.

  3. Value with Aerotech controls and calibration.

  4. Specifications are for single-axis systems, measured 25 mm above the tabletop. Performance of multi-axis systems is payload and workpoint dependent. Consult factory for multi-axis or non-standard applications.


Ordering Information

ALS135 Mechanical-Bearing Direct-Drive Linear Stage

-02525 mm travel
-05050 mm travel
-100100 mm travel
-150150 mm travel
-200200 mm travel

Feedback (Required)

-E1Incremental linear encoder, 1 Vpp
-E2Incremental linear encoder, 1 µm digital TTL output
-E3Incremental linear encoder, 0.1 µm digital TTL output

Limits (Required)

-LI15V limits, normally closed
-LI25V limits, normally open

Connectors (Required)

-CN1Single 25-pin D connector
-CN2Double 4-pin HPD and 25-pin D connectors
  1. Note: -CN1 option not valid for systems using bus voltages greater than 80 V.

Cable Management (Optional)

-CMS1Cable management system for lower axis of XY assembly
-CMS2Cable management system for upper axis of XY assembly

Metrology (Required)

-PL1Metrology, uncalibrated with performance plots
-PL2Metrology, calibrated (HALAR) with performance plots

Integration (Required)

Aerotech offers both standard and custom integration services to help you get your system fully operational as quickly as possible. The following standard integration options are available for this system. Please consult Aerotech if you are unsure what level of integration is required, or if you desire custom integration support with your system.

-TASIntegration - Test as system
Testing, integration, and documentation of a group of components as a complete system that will be used together (ex: drive, controller, and stage). This includes parameter file generation, system tuning, and documentation of the system configuration.
-TACIntegration - Test as components
Testing and integration of individual items as discrete components that ship together. This is typically used for spare parts, replacement parts, or items that will not be used together. These components may or may not be part of a larger system.