The ATS-5 Overhead Table Shelf System is great for off-the-table mounting or storing power supplies, controllers, oscilloscopes, laser diode drivers, and other instruments. The height of the 5 foot long shelf can be easily adjusted. Hang optional shelves under the main platform. Cables can be routed away from critical setups by using any one of twelve electrical outlets mounted on either side of the shelf system. For non-US type of outlets, please go with ATSE shelf with ATSE-PS-XX (For example, for France please choose ATSE shelf with ATSE-PS-FR power supply).

ATS-5架空表货架系统是伟大的表安装或存储电源,控制器,示波器,激光二极管驱动器和其他仪器。5英尺长的货架的高度可以轻松调整。在主平台下悬挂可选的架子。通过使用安装在架子系统两侧的12个电源插座中的任意一个,可以将电缆从关键装置中路由出去。对于非美国类型的插座,请选择ATSE货架与ATSE- ps - xx - xx(例如,对于法国,请选择ATSE货架与ATSE- ps - fr电源)。