The 2103 High Dynamic Range Power Sensor is temperature stabilized resulting in highly accurate and stable 950 to 1630 nm measurements. Unlike other power meters that slow considerably when switching sensitivity ranges, it incorporates a patent-pending logarithmic conversion circuit that achieves essentially seamless range switching, resulting in a useful dynamic range of >65 dB even at full speeds. This is about 20 dB better than conventional power meters. We've even provided three user-controllable speed settings so you can further extend the dynamic range if you don't need the speed. The convenient bolt-together modular design and daisy-chained power connections makes it easy to connect multiple units for multi-channel rack-mounted or bench-top systems.

2103高动态范围功率传感器是温度稳定的结果,高度精确和稳定950到1630纳米测量。不像其他功率表在切换灵敏度范围时慢得多,它整合了一个专利申请的对数转换电路,基本上实现了无缝切换,导致有用的动态范围>65 dB,即使在全速。这比传统的电表好20分贝。我们甚至提供了三个用户可控制的速度设置,这样,如果您不需要速度,您可以进一步扩展动态范围。方便的螺栓连接模块设计和菊花链电源连接,使多通道机架安装或台式系统的多单元连接变得容易。