The 66905 Arc Lamp Housing is not just an aluminum enclosure for the lamp, it holds the ignitor, condensing optics, rear reflector and lamp cooling fan. This version was designed for 50 to 500 Watt Hg, Xe and Hg(Xe) DC arc lamps. It uses a F/0.7 Four Element Fused Silica Aspherab condenser for a 2.7 inch (69 mm) diameter collimated beam at the 3 Inch Series output flange. You can simply change the socket adapter and you can interchange between lamp types and wattages, within the appropriate housing family. The socket adapter holds the lamp at the proper optical height for the rear reflector and condenser. To optimize the position and to compensate for lamp to lamp variations, we provide rear reflector and lamp adjusters. These lamp housings include a number of safety features to prevent lamp damage and accidental exposure. A door interlock prohibits the operation of the lamp while the door is open; a temperature sensor monitors the lamp’s operating temperature and controls the cooling fan accordingly.

66905弧光灯外壳不仅是一个铝制外壳的灯,它容纳点火器,冷凝光学,后反射器和灯冷却风扇。这个版本是为50到500瓦Hg, Xe和Hg(Xe)直流弧光灯设计的。它使用F/0.7四元熔融石英非球面冷凝器,在3英寸系列的输出法兰上配置2.7英寸(69毫米)直径的准直梁。您可以简单地更改插座适配器,并且您可以在适当的住宅家庭内在灯类型和瓦数之间进行交换。插座适配器保持灯在适当的光学高度后反射器和冷凝器。为了优化位置和补偿灯对灯的变化,我们提供后反射器和灯调节器。这些灯壳包括一些安全功能,以防止灯损坏和意外暴露。门联锁在门开着时禁止油灯工作;温度传感器监视灯的工作温度并相应地控制冷却风扇。