The 6195 Flange Mounted Cell is a simple lens holder with a 1.5 Inch Series female-flange on one end and a male-flange on the other. It holds 1.5 inch (38.1 mm) diameter optics up to 0.43 inch (11 mm) thick, and has a clear aperture of 1.4 inch (35 mm). It is ideal for holding optical accessories at the input or output of our light sources, monochromators and other flanged instruments. This set screw model couples to male-flanged components via three set screws, and is light tight.

6195法兰安装单元是一个简单的镜头支架,一端是1.5英寸系列的女性法兰,另一端是男性法兰。它拥有1.5英寸(38.1 mm)直径的光学器件,厚度可达0.43英寸(11毫米),光圈为1.4英寸(35毫米)。本产品适用于各种光源、单色器及其他有法兰的仪器的输入或输出。这种固定螺钉模型通过三个固定螺钉连接到男性法兰组件,并且是轻紧固的。