The 6286 Mercury Arc Lamp contains an exactly measured amount of mercury and either argon gas or xenon which acts as a starter gas as the mercury vaporizes. This 1000 watt Hg lamp has a 0.8 x 2.7 mm effective arc size. When the lamp is cold, the gas pressure inside is lower than atmospheric and you can see small globules of mercury inside the lamp. When the lamp runs, this mercury vaporizes and reaches pressures of up to 75 bar. So, these lamps pass from being a rare gas lamp to a mercury lamp. During the five to ten minute transition phase, the lamps run at a higher than normal current and the anode must be at the bottom to ensure proper vaporization of the mercury. Some mercury lamps have a reflective coating on part of the bulb. This speeds the transition phase and improves the thermal distribution. Because the bulb temperature influences the mercury pressure significantly, these lamps are sensitive to airflow over the bulb. Strong mercury lines through the visible and ultraviolet dominate the output spectrum of these lamps. A continuum in the infrared persists to 2.5 μm and beyond. The strong ultraviolet output has led to the use of these lamps for many photochemical processes including lithography and curing. The intense lines are very useful for monochromatic irradiation for fluorescence spectroscopy. Individual lines may be isolated using filters or a monochromator. This lamp is compatible with the 66161 Socket Adapter (not included).

6286汞弧灯含有精确测量的汞和氩气或氙气,当汞蒸发时,这些气体起启动作用。这款1000瓦的Hg灯的有效电弧尺寸为0.8 x 2.7毫米。当灯是冷的,内部的气体压力低于大气,你可以看到小水珠汞在灯内。当灯运转时,水银蒸发,达到75巴的压力。所以,这些灯从稀有的煤气灯变成了水银灯。在5到10分钟的过渡阶段,灯运行在高于正常电流和阳极必须在底部,以确保适当的水银蒸发。一些水银灯在灯泡的部分有反射涂层。这加快了过渡阶段,改善了热分布。由于灯泡温度对水银压力影响很大,所以这些灯泡对灯泡上方的气流很敏感。透过可见光和紫外线的强汞线主导了这些灯的输出光谱。连续的红外持续2.5μm和超越。强烈的紫外光输出导致这些灯用于许多光化学过程,包括光刻和固化。强谱线在荧光光谱的单色照射中非常有用。可以使用过滤器或单色器隔离单个行。此灯兼容66161插座适配器(不包括在内)。