The 66941-500H-R15 Mercury Light Source is a complete plug and play light source system that includes a 500 W Hg arc lamp, lamp socket adapter, research light source housing, lamp power supply, and all the necessary interconnection cables for operation.

The provided OPS-A500 arc lamp power supply is a highly regulated for maximum stability. Much of an arc lamp's stability in wavelength and output intensity is due to keeping the temperature and pressure of the gas inside the lamp's envelope as constant possible.

The included Oriel Research Arc Lamp Housing offers a built-in ignitor board and rear reflector for optimum lamp performance. A built-in cooling fan maintains a safe operating temperature for the lamp. The user is protected from accidental exposure to UV radiation and electrical shock by the lamp housing's safety interlock, which disables ignition and power to the lamp if the housing door or lamp housing interconnection cable is not securely connected.

The condenser lens assembly included with this light source has an economical fused silica plano-convex lens with an F/# of F/1.5.

The 66941-500H-R15 light source includes the following components:


所提供的os - a500弧光灯电源高度调节,稳定性最佳。电弧灯在波长和输出强度上的稳定性在很大程度上是由于保持灯泡外壳内气体的温度和压力尽可能的恒定。




6285 500瓦汞弧灯




opos - a500 200-500 W直流弧光灯电源,电源,电流和强度控制模式,RS-232/USB控制,CE和RoHS兼容