The TLS-300XR is part of Oriel’s upgraded Tunable Light Source (TLS) Series: a compact, fully assembled illuminator solution.

This complete plug and play system consists of the following components mounted to a custom baseplate:

Each system is pre-aligned during production and packaged with the unit’s final test data. TRACQ-BASIC-V066, the most advanced version of Oriel’s Data Acquisition and Spectroscopy Control software is included and can be used to remotely control the TLS by PC via the monochromator’s RS232 or GPIB (IEEE-488) port. Resolution up to 0.7 nm is possible over a wavelength output of 250-1800 nm. Output resolution and light throughput can be adjusted by changing the fixed slits at the input and output of the monochromator. Fixed slit pairs of 280 µm and 600 µm widths are included with system. Fixed slits of additional slit widths are available separately from Oriel Instruments.

This new generation of TLS includes a manual iris aperture on the output of the system as well as LT10-UADPT, a removable mechanical flange used to couple Oriel Instruments' 1.5 inch products to 1.0 inch for increased compatibility with Newport products.

TLS- 300xr是Oriel升级可调光源(TLS)系列的一部分:一个紧凑的,完全组装的照明解决方案。


6258 300w无臭氧氙灯



opos - a500直流弧光灯电源

每个系统在生产过程中都是预对齐的,并与单元的最终测试数据打包在一起。TRACQ-BASIC-V066是Oriel数据采集和光谱控制软件的最先进版本,可以通过单色器的RS232或GPIB (IEEE-488)端口通过PC远程控制TLS。在250-1800纳米的波长范围内,分辨率可以达到0.7纳米。通过改变单色器输入和输出的固定狭缝,可以调整输出分辨率和光吞吐量。固定缝对µm 280和280µm宽度是包含在系统。附加狭缝宽度的固定狭缝可与孔仪器分开使用。
