The 92530 Flood Exposure Source is a 1000 Watt source for the near UV (350 - 450 nm) spectral range. NUV sources run an Hg(Xe) lamp, use a N-BK7 glass lens (which does not transmit below 350 nm), and have the appropriate dichroic mirrors. NUV is designed to expose most photoresists. This illuminators irradiates samples with a 6.0 x 6.0 inch (152 x 152 mm) collimated beam with a ± 2.5° collimation angle. Typical output is 43 mW cm-2. An efficient ellipsoidal reflector, coated with AlSiO for the NUV collects up to 70% of the arc lamp output. A 45° primary dichroic mirror spectrally reflects the light after passing through a proprietary design beam homogenizer. The homogenizer, or optical integrator, is similar to a compound fly's eye. It scrambles the arc lamp's non-uniform irradiance to produce many diverging beams. These diverging beams overlap at the collimating lens to produce a highly uniform, collimated beam at the work plane.

92530洪水暴露源是近紫外(350 - 450纳米)光谱范围的1000瓦光源。NUV光源使用Hg(Xe)灯,使用N-BK7玻璃镜片(不低于350纳米),并有适当的二色镜。NUV的设计是为了暴露大多数光刻胶。这之中照明样品6.0 x 6.0英寸(152 x 152毫米)平行梁±2.5°瞄准角。典型的输出功率是43mw cm-2。在NUV上涂有AlSiO的高效椭球面反射器可以收集高达70%的弧光灯输出。45°主要分色镜幽灵似地反映了光通过专有设计梁均质器。均质器或光学积分器类似于复合苍蝇的眼睛。它打乱了电弧灯的非均匀辐照度,产生了许多发散光束。这些发散光束在准直透镜上重叠,在工作平面上形成高度均匀的准直光束。