The F-ILP-2-N-SP-FP Fiber Optic In-Line Polarizer is designed for 1550 nm fiber optic networks and measurement applications, which include polarization analyzing, polarization monitoring and control, Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) monitoring, Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD) monitoring, spectrum filtering and control, Polarization Extinction Ratio (PER) improvement, fiber laser mode-locking and polarization interferometry. When combined with Newport's F-POL Series Polarization Controllers it can also function as a variable fiber optic attenuator. The F-ILP Series is based on integrating a high PER micro-polarizer in a rugged stainless steel package for high optical performance and stability. These compact devices offer low insertion loss, low back reflection and high extinction ratio. This no-tail FC/PC connector version with a SM input and PM output has the advantage of eliminating the polarization disturbances caused by fiber pigtails.
