The gain spectrum of F-EDF-5 (manufacturer P/N M-15(980/125)) is an ideal simple and low-cost erbium doped fiber that provides consistent and efficient gain in single-stage, few channel-count designs. The fiber suits especially well for Metro EDFA applications. F-EDF-5 is doped to provide a nominal 10-15 dB/m absorption at 980 nm. This relatively high level of doping offers more than twice the levels of pump absorption of many other erbium doped fibers, with a corresponding reduction in gain-length and material cost. A wide pump range and high absorption specification makes it a cost-effective solution with a minor increase in sensitivity to length or variations in absorption.

F-EDF-5(制造商P/N M-15(980/125))的增益谱是一种理想的简单、低成本的掺铒光纤,在单级、少通道设计中提供一致和高效的增益。这种纤维特别适用于Metro EDFA的应用。F-EDF-5在980 nm的情况下提供了10-15 dB/m的额定吸收。这种相对较高的掺杂水平提供了两倍以上的泵吸收水平的许多其他掺铒纤维,并相应减少了增益长度和材料成本。广泛的泵范围和高吸收规格使它是一种低成本的解决方案,对长度或吸收变化的敏感性略有提高。