The BQW-2 Brewster Window is made with UV grade fused silica with laser grade surface quality and parallelism to make it the ideal polarizer to use within a laser cavity. The BQW-2 has a 44.21 mm major axis, a 25.0 mm minor axis, and is 2.0 mm thick. When oriented at the 55.57° Brewster's angle, this window is designed to generate circular profile, allowing P-Polarized light to pass through the window with minimum losses while the S-Polarized light being reflected off the Brewster window. This window limits the transmitted wavefront distortion to 1/10 of wave.

BQW-2 Brewster窗是由紫外光级熔融二氧化硅制成,具有激光级表面质量和平行度,是激光腔内理想的偏振器。BQW-2的长轴为44.21毫米,小轴为25.0毫米,厚2.0毫米。当面向55.57°布儒斯特角,这个窗口是为了生成圆形轮廓,允许P-Polarized光通过窗户用最小的损失而S-Polarized光被反射布儒斯特窗。这个窗口将透射波前畸变限制为波的1/10。