The 3211 High-Voltage Amplifier is a workhorse amplifier for driving capacitive loads such as broadband electro-optic modulators and piezoelectric transducers. The Model 3211 incorporates high-slew-rate, high-voltage operational-amplifier technology to give you extremely precise linear operation over a wide range of input voltages and frequencies. The ±200-V output will swing our broadband EO modulators through 180° of phase shift with bandwidths of up to 0.6 MHz. The peak-to-peak output noise is less than 100 mV in a 1-MHz bandwidth. The front-panel controls include an easy-to-reach, high-voltage on/off switch and a DC off-set that sets the output level anywhere from –200 V to +200 V, allowing an EOM amplitude modulator to be biased for optimum linearity without additional components. Two inputs allow signals from separate sources to be sum-med and amplified. Two bias outputs of +200 V and –200 V allow single-polarity operation for piezoelectric transducers and other components. A monitor output provides 1/30 of the output voltage for display on an oscilloscope.

3211高压放大器是驱动电容负载的工作放大器,如宽带电光调制器和压电换能器。3211型集成了高转速、高电压操作放大器技术,在大范围的输入电压和频率范围内提供极其精确的线性操作。±200 v输出将我们的宽带光电调节器通过180°的相移0.6 MHz带宽。在1-MHz带宽下,从峰值到峰值的输出噪声小于100 mV。前面板控制包括一个易于到达,高压开关和直流偏置,设置输出电平在- 200v到+ 200v之间,允许EOM振幅调制器在没有附加元件的情况下偏置以获得最佳线性度。两个输入允许来自不同来源的信号进行求和和放大。+200 V和-200 V的两个偏置输出允许压电换能器和其他元件的单极性工作。监视器输出提供示波器上显示的输出电压的1/30。