The 33025FL01-510H Plane Holographic Reflection Grating has 3600 grooves per millimeter and a nominal blaze wavelength at 200 nm. It has a recommended spectral region of 130 to 500 nm. This 12.5 x 12.5 mm grating is aluminum coated on a 6 mm thick float glass substrate. Newport Richardson Gratings' holographic gratings provide excellent wavefront flatness and high efficiency. Like their ruled counterparts, holographic gratings are most efficient when used in the Littrow configuration.

The 33025FL01-510H Plane Holographic Reflection Grating has 3600 grooves per millimeter and a nominal blaze wavelength at 200 nm. It has a recommended spectral region of 130 to 500 nm. This 12.5 x 12.5 mm grating is aluminum coated on a 6 mm thick float glass substrate. Newport Richardson Gratings' holographic gratings provide excellent wavefront flatness and high efficiency. Like their ruled counterparts, holographic gratings are most efficient when used in the Littrow configuration.