The 10GT04AR.16 Glan-Thompson Calcite Polarizer provides high purity linear polarization for broadband sources or multiple laser wavelengths. The large acceptance angle of this polarizer allows it to be used in highly converging or diverging beams. S-polarization is transmitted with Ts >90%, while p-polarization is reflected and absorbed into the housing. Our Glan-Thompson polarizers are fabricated from select-grade calcite prism pairs, cemented together and assembled into a black anodized aluminum housing. The cemented surface limits their use to lower power applications. The output polarization axis is clearly marked on the housing. The housing has been designed to mount into our standard 25.4 mm optic holders, rotary stages, and precision positioning components. This polarizer has Newport's AR.16 NIR broadband antireflection coating with a 650 to 1000 nm wavelength range.

**Calcite polarizers are made with natural crystals, and even in the best grade of calcite, there are embedded flaws which can not be corrected. The laser damage threshold value below was given for reference only and can not be guaranteed. **

10 gt04ar。Glan-Thompson方解石偏振器为宽带源或多波长激光提供了高纯度的线性偏振。该偏振器的大接收角允许它用于高度收敛或发散光束。s极化以Ts >90%传输,p极化被反射和吸收到壳体中。我们的格兰-汤普森偏振镜是由精选级方解石棱镜对,胶结在一起,并组装成一个黑色阳极氧化铝外壳。胶结的表面限制了它们在低功耗场合的应用。输出偏振轴清楚地标示在外壳上。该外壳已被设计成安装到我们的标准25.4毫米光学支架,旋转阶段,和精密定位元件。该偏光器具有纽波特AR.16近红外宽带抗反射涂层,波长范围为650至1000纳米。

**方解石偏振片是用天然晶体制作的,即使是在最优质的方解石中,也存在着无法矫正的缺陷。以下激光损伤阈值仅供参考,不能保证。* *