The 5524 VIS Glan-Thompson Polarizer is built into a rotation stage, which easily mounts into standard 1.0 in. diameter mirror mounts or rotary stages. At the interface between two calcite prisms, total internal reflection takes place for one polarization state while the other is transmitted. This proven Glan-Thompson design yields extinction ratios greater than 100,000:1 over a wide range of angles and for a broad spectral range. The 5524 is AR coated for use from 400-700 nm.

5524 VIS格兰-汤普森偏振器内置在一个旋转阶段,很容易安装到标准1.0英寸。直径镜安装或旋转阶段。在两个方解石棱镜之间的界面,一个偏振态发生全反射,另一个偏振态发生透射。经过验证的格兰-汤普森设计在宽角度和宽光谱范围内产生大于100,000:1的消光比。5524是AR涂层,用于400-700纳米。