The 10GL08AR.16 Glan-Laser Calcite Polarizer is designed for demanding applications requiring extreme polarization purity and high resistance to laser damage. Glan-laser polarizers are air-spaced, select-grade calcite prism pairs with the prism interface angles optimized for minimum insertion loss. Two escape ports provide an exit for the rejected polarization component, avoiding dangerous absorption of laser power by the polarizer housing. This allows this polarizer to be used in Q-switched laser cavities and other multiple pass applications.
This polarizer has Newport's AR.16 broadband NIR antireflection coating with a 650 to 1000 nm wavelength range. The housing has been designed to mount into our standard 1 inch (25.4 mm) optic holders, rotary stages, and precision positioning components. The output polarization axis is clearly marked on the housing.

**Calcite polarizers are made with natural crystals, and even in the best grade of calcite, there are embedded flaws which can not be corrected. The laser damage threshold value below was given for reference only and can not be guaranteed. **

10 gl08ar。Glan-Laser方解石偏振器适用于要求偏振纯度极高、抗激光损伤能力强的应用场合。gla -激光偏振器是空气间隔的,选择级方解石棱镜对与棱镜界面角优化最小插入损耗。两个逃逸口提供了一个出口,拒绝极化组件,避免危险的吸收激光功率的偏振器外壳。这使得该偏振器可用于q开关激光腔和其他多通道应用。


**方解石偏振片是用天然晶体制作的,即使是在最优质的方解石中,也存在着无法矫正的缺陷。以下激光损伤阈值仅供参考,不能保证。* *