The 10FC16PB.9 Broadband Polarizing Cube Beamsplitter provides efficient polarization for use with multiple or tunable sources. The 25.4 mm cube polarizer consists of a pair of precision right-angle prisms carefully cemented together to minimize wavefront distortion. The hypotenuse of one of the prisms is coated with a multilayer dielectric polarizing beamsplitter coating optimized for a 1200 to 1600 nm wavelength range. The four faces are antireflection coated with a multilayer dielectric coating to minimize surface reflection losses.
An unpolarized beam is split into two orthogonal, linearly polarized components. P-polarized light is transmitted, while s-polarized light is reflected, both with negligible absorption. The extinction ratio is better than 500:1, yet it averages 1000:1. This unique component provides all the benefits of a broadband polarizer in a standard cube configuration.

10 fc16pb。宽带偏振立方体波束分离器提供有效的偏振与多个或可调源使用。该25.4毫米立方体偏振器由一对精密直角棱镜精心粘合在一起,以减少波前失真。其中一个棱镜的斜边涂覆了多层介质极化波束分离器涂层,优化波长范围为1200至1600纳米。四个表面都涂有一层多层介质涂层,以减少表面反射损失。非偏振光束被分成两个正交的线性偏振分量。p偏振光被发射,s偏振光被反射,两者的吸收都可以忽略。消光比大于500:1,但平均为1000:1。这个独特的组件提供了标准立方体配置中宽带偏振器的所有优点。