The 10BC17MB.1 Broadband Non-polarizing Hybrid Cube Beamsplitter has moderate absorption but minimal polarization sensitivity. The broad spectral flatness of this beamsplitter makes it ideal for use with multiple lasers or tunable lasers. Incoming beams are both transmitted and reflected 45%, with the s and p-polarized components matched to within 10% of each other. Hybrid beamsplitters are less sensitive to changes in angle of incidence, resulting in an optic that is chromatically neutral for both convergent and divergent beams.
This beamsplitter consists of a pair of precision right-angle prisms carefully cemented together forming a 1 inch (25.4 mm) cube to minimize wavefront distortion. The hypotenuse of one of the prisms is coated with a metal-dielectric hybrid beamsplitter coating optimized over a broad wavelength range. The four faces are antireflection coated with a broadband multilayer dielectric coating to minimize surface reflection losses over the 400-700 nm wavelength range, providing R<0.5% per surface. Due to the metallic nature of the hybrid coating, these beamsplitters are not intended for use with higher power lasers.

10 bc17mb。宽带非极化混合正方体波束分离器具有中等的吸收能力和最小的偏振灵敏度。该波束分离器的宽频平特性使其非常适合与多种激光器或可调谐激光器一起使用。入射光束的透射率和反射率均为45%,其中s偏振和p偏振分量的匹配度均在10%以内。混合式分束器对入射角的变化不太敏感,因此对于收敛光束和发散光束来说,混合式分束器都是色差中性的。该波束分离器由一对精确的直角棱镜精心粘合在一起,形成一个1英寸(25.4毫米)的立方体,以最小化波前失真。其中一个棱镜的斜边涂敷了一层金属-介电混合波束分离器涂层,在宽波长范围内进行了优化。这四个表面都涂有宽带多层介质涂层的防反射涂层,以减少在400-700纳米波长范围内的表面反射损失,每个表面提供R<0.5%。由于混合涂层的金属性质,这些波束分离器不打算用于更高功率的激光器。