The 5CGA-395 Colored-Glass Alternative Filter is a 0.5 inch (12.7 mm) diameter long-pass filter with a 395 ± 5 nm cut-on wavelength. Colored-Glass Alternative filters have a steep transition between the region of transmission and rejection (blocking) that is much steeper than colored glass filters. Colored-Glass Alternative filters have out-of-band rejection ≥OD 5 to 200 nm. Typical transmission is ≥90% average.

排气口5 - 395指,选择过滤器是一个0.5英寸(12.7毫米)直径长传球395±5海里在波长滤波器。彩色玻璃滤光片在透射区和排斥区(阻挡区)之间有一个陡峭的过渡,比彩色玻璃滤光片陡得多。指替代过滤带外抑制≥OD 5到200海里。典型的传播是≥90%的平均水平。