The FSR-KG2 Heat Absorbing Glass Filter is a 25.4 mm diameter infrared (IR) cut-off filter made of Schott KG2filter glass.  Heat absorbing glass filters reduce the heat trasmitted through an optical system.  They have high transmission in the visible wavelength region and absorb in the IR wavelength region, making them also usefull as a shortpass filter.  These absorption filters are precision polished for demanding research or OEM applications.

FSR-KG2吸热玻璃过滤器是由Schott KG2filter玻璃制成的直径25.4 mm的红外截止过滤器。吸热玻璃过滤器减少通过光学系统传递的热量。它们在可见波长区具有高的透射性,在红外波长区具有高的吸收性,因此也可用作短波滤波器。这些吸收式滤清器经过精密抛光,可用于高要求的研究或OEM应用。