The 20BPF10-550 Bandpass Filter is a 2 x 2 inch (50.8 x 50.8 mm) square bandpass filter with a center wavelength of 550 ± 2 nm and a Full Width Half Max of 10 ± 2 nm. See Curve 13, for transmission graph. Our Bandpass Filters pass a narrow spectral band of UV, visible, or NIR radiation and reject out-of-band wavelengths from the X-ray to the far IR. Applications include spectral radiometry, medical diagnostics, chemical analysis, colorimetry, astronomy, and wherever spectral isolation is required.

20 bpf10 - 550带通滤波器是一个2 x 2英寸(50.8 x 50.8毫米)平方带通滤波器中心波长为550±2 nm和全宽度一半Max 10±2海里。传输图见曲线13。我们的带通滤波器通过紫外、可见或近红外辐射的窄光谱波段,拒绝x射线到远红外的带外波长。应用包括光谱辐射测量,医学诊断,化学分析,比色法,天文学,以及任何需要光谱分离的地方。