The 40Z20BD.1 Broadband Dielectric Mirror is an extremely versatile mirror for laboratory applications and highly efficient over a broad wavelength range. This 4 inch (101.6 mm) diameter mirror is made from a 17.7 mm thick Zerodur substrate. Zerodur is a glass-ceramic material where thermal expansion is nominally zero. This extra stability can be critical for applications requiring diffraction limited performance. The BD-1 coating is extremely durable and will withstand repeated cleaning. This mirror has a λ/10 surface flatness and a 20-10 surface quality.

40 z20bd。宽带介质反射镜是一种适用于实验室的多功能反射镜,在波长范围内具有很高的效率。这面直径4英寸(101.6毫米)的镜子是由17.7毫米厚的零调衬底制成的。零是一种热膨胀名义上为零的微晶玻璃材料。对于需要衍射限制性能的应用程序,这种额外的稳定性是至关重要的。BD-1涂层非常耐用,可以经受多次清洗。这个镜子λ/ 20 - 10表面平面度和表面质量。