

PL 测量波长范围400 nm to 1100 nm
单色光源:光源150 W Xenon light source
   :激发波长375 nm to 800 nm
   :带宽10 nm or less (FWHM)
   :利用光来防止样品降解Excitation light interception by the mechanical shutter
多通道光谱仪:波长侧量范围350 nm to 1100 nm
   :波长分辨率< 2.5 nm
   :光灵敏元器件通道个数1024 ch
   :元器件冷却温度-15 ˚C
   :AD 分辨率16 bit
   :光谱仪光学配件Czerny-Turner type
   :光纤种类Bundled fiber (1.5 m)
   :光纤接受面积Φ1 mm
   :尺寸3.3 inch
样品台(可选):薄膜Using Laboratory dish without caps (5 sets) A10095-01 (not including a substrate)
   :粉末Using Laboratory dish with caps (5 sets) A10095-03
   :溶液 (正常温度)Using Alignment tool for liquid measurement A10104-01
   :溶液 (低温)-196 ˚C (77 K) by using Sample holder for low temperature A11238-01
   :温度控制RT(Room temperature) to +300 ˚C by using Sample holder for temperature control A13924-03 with Controller for temperature control C13923-01
样品台 (可选):粉末Using Laboratory dish with caps (5 sets) A10095-03
   :溶液 (正常温度)Using Side-arm cell (3 sets) A10095-02
   :溶液 (低温)-196 ˚C (77 K) by using Sample tube for low temperature measurement (5 pcs) A10095-04
测量内容PL quantum yield
Fluorescent materials luminance efficiency measurement (quantum yield x absorption)
Excitation wavelength dependence of quantum yield (-02G, -03G)
PL spectrum (peak wavelength, FWHM)
PL excitation spectrum (-02G, -03G)
Color measurement (chromaticity, color temperature, color rendering index, etc.)
Self-absorption correction (Optics for transmission and fluorescence measurement A11238-03 is required)