The SP-KT Precision Spacer Kit combines an assortment of both 0.50-in. (12.7-mm) diameter, and 1.0-in. (25.4-mm) diameter precision spacers in a specially labeled and compartmented box. These spacers enable stable pedestal-post mounting at non-standard heights. The kit includes five each of the following 1.0-in. (25.4-mm) diameter spacers: 1/32-in. (0.8 mm) thk, 1/16-in. (1.6 mm) thk, 1/8-in. (3.2 mm) thk 1/4-in. (6.4 mm) thk and also includes ten each of 0.50-in. (12.7-mm) diameter spacers in the same thicknesses for a grand total of 60 spacers. Made from stainless steel all of these spaces have 8-32 (M4) clearance holes.

SP-KT精密间隔组件结合了0.50英寸的两个品种。(12.7毫米)直径,1.0英寸。(25.4毫米)直径的精密间隔在一个特殊的标记和分隔的盒子。这些间隔使稳定的基座柱安装在非标准的高度。该套件包括五个以下的1.0英寸。(25.4 mm)直径间隔:1/32英寸。(0.8 mm) thk, 1/16英寸。(1.6毫米)thk, 1/8英寸。(3.2毫米)thk 1/4英寸。(6.4毫米)thk,并包括10个0.50英寸。(12.7 mm)直径相同厚度的垫片,总计60片。所有这些空间都由不锈钢制成,有8-32 (M4)的间隙孔。