The ULM Cylindrical Laser Mount is a fixed, non-adjustable laser mount that may be bolted to other components via three horizontal clearance holes. This laser is clamped in the same way as the ULM-TILT. ULM Series Cylindrical Laser Mounts attach to 340-RC and 370-RC Rod Clamps and provide a convenient way to attach any 1 to 1.75 in. (25.4 to 44.5 mm) diameter cylindrical laser to Newport positioners and tables. To prevent wobble, the laser head is held securely by a nylon thumbscrew against two full-length contacts formed by a V-groove.

ULM圆柱形激光支架是一种固定的、不可调整的激光支架,可以通过三个水平间隙孔螺栓连接到其他部件上。这种激光器的夹紧方式与ULM-TILT相同。ULM系列圆柱形激光支架连接到340-RC和370-RC杆夹钳上,并提供了一种方便的方式来连接任何1到1.75英寸。(25.4至44.5 mm)直径圆柱形激光器到新港定位器和工作台。为了防止抖动,激光头由尼龙拇指螺钉牢牢固定在由v形槽形成的两个全长触点上。