The SL20ABM Gimbal Optical Mount facilitates fast, accurate positioning of large 8.0 inch (203.4 mm) circular or rectangular optics. Unlimited rotation in elevation and azimuth allow the mount and optic to be oriented in any position in space. Circular optics smaller than the mount’s nominal diameter are securely held inside the mount ring by extendible clamp arms. Circular and rectangular optics larger than the nominal diameter may also be attached to the mounting ring with external clamps. For added versatility, a large aperture in the base allows light to pass through unobstructed. A clutch nut on each axis allows the mirror to be quickly oriented in any coarse position. Locking the clutch nuts enables up to ±0.75° fine adjustment with standard micrometers.

SL20ABM万向架光学支架便于快速、准确地定位大型8.0英寸(203.4 mm)圆形或矩形光学元件。无限旋转的高度和方位角,使安装和光学是定向在任何位置的空间。小于安装架公称直径的圆形光学元件通过可伸缩夹臂安全地固定在安装环内。大于公称直径的圆形和矩形光学元件也可以用外部夹具固定在安装环上。为了增加通用性,底座上的大孔径可以让光线畅通无阻地通过。在每个轴上的离合器螺母允许镜子快速定位在任何粗糙的位置。锁定离合器坚果使±0.75°微调与标准微米。