The 8082-M XYZθxθy Motorized Wide Five-Axis Tilt Aligner increases the utility of our popular kinematic stages by motorizing each of the axes. The addition of Picomotor™ actuators to each stage allows remote high-resolution (<30 nm) adjustment of various combinations of X, Y, Z, θx, and θy. Model 8082-M five-axis aligners are ideal for positioning modulators or isolators and for coupling light into waveguide devices. M4 and M6 tapped holes.

8082 - m XYZθxθy机动宽五轴倾斜调整器增加我们的流行运动阶段的效用使机动化的每个轴。添加Picomotor™驱动器每个阶段允许远程高分辨率(< 30 nm)调整各种组合的X, Y, Z,θx,和θy。8082-M型五轴对准器是定位调制器或隔离器以及将光耦合到波导器件的理想选择。M4和M6螺纹孔。