The PCI-λopt photodetectors series (λopt - optimal wavelength in micrometers) feature
IR photoconductive detector, optically immersed to high refractive index GaAs
hyperhemispherical (standard) or hemispherical or any intermediate lens (as option)
for different acceptance angle and saturation level.
This series is easy to use, no cooling or heatsink needed. The devices are optimized
for the maximum performance at λopt. Cut-on wavelength is limited by GaAs
transmittance (~0.9 μm). Bias is needed to operate photocurrent. Performance at low
frequencies (<20 kHz) is reduced due to 1/f noise. Highest performance and stability
are achieved by application of variable gap (HgCd)Te semiconductor, optimized
doping and sophisticated surface processing.
Standard detectors are available in TO39 or BNC packages without windows.

Time Constant:<1ns