HighFinesse Wavelength Meter

Accurate, Sensitive and Compact, with a Large Spectral Range for High-Speed Measurements of Pulsed and Continuous Lasers

The HighFinesse wavelength meters are the unsurpassed high-end instruments for wave-length measurement of pulsed or continuous laser sources. They deliver the superb absolute and relative accuracy required by cutting edge scientific research, as well as industrial and medical applications.

The unmatched precision of the WS8 series with down to an absolute accuracy of 2 MHz and a measurement resolution of 200 kHz and lower is achieved by using non-moving Fizeau interferometers in a unique geometric configuration. All HighFinesse wavelength meters rely on this well proven concept. To allow even higher stability and precision, temperature and pressure effects are compensated. HighFinesse also offers the fastest commercially available wavemeters. Click here for more information. The sensitivity of the wavelength meters reaches down to the magnitude of nJ while many useful options are available such as PID laser control, offering an active feedback loop for control of the laser wavelength.
