Design Features

The high force, high load, linear motor actuator is used for aerospace testing, automated manufacturing, and motion simulation applications. The granite structure, high-force motors, and precise recirculating bearings give exceptional motion profile capability with up to a 150 kg load capacity.

Positioning Travel 2000 mm (travel is reduced based on speed and acceleration requirements; travel for max speed specified is 1860 mm)
Accuracy LT Standard ±50.0 µm
HALAR(1) ±2 µm
Repeatability ±0.75 µm
Straightness ±5.0 µm Static
Flatness ±15.0 µm Static
Pitch ±100 µrad (±20 arc sec)
Roll ±100 µrad (±20 arc sec)
Yaw ±100 µrad (±20 arc sec)
Dynamic Maximum Speed(2) 3 m/s
Maximum Acceleration(2) 5g
Speed Stability(3) ±1% @ max velocity of 3 m/s
Optional Aerotech ETM (Enhanced Throughput Module) integrated for higher dynamic performance
Other Maximum Force (Continuous) See BLMH-382-A; Qty (4); w/Motor Cooling
Load Capacity(5) Horizontal 150 kg
Side N/A
Operating Pressure Supply pressure varies to achieve desired pressure at forcer; cooling pressure depends on stage load and dynamics
Air Consumption
24 SCFM typical for 20 psi forcer cooling
Moving Mass
70 kg
Stage Mass
1650 kg
Material Granite base; aluminum carriage
Protection Components covered by granite and aluminum labyrinth seals
  1. Available with Aerotech controllers.

  2. Speed and acceleration based on 5 kg load.

  3. 10 ms sample rate.

  4. Maximum load based on bearing capability. Maximum application load may be limited by acceleration requirements.

  5. Specifications are for single-axis systems measured 25 mm above the tabletop. Performance of multi-axis systems is payload and work-point dependent. Consult factory for multi-axis or non-standard applications.